


Hayato Hino is a high school student at Ryuusei Academy in Tokyo, and is a member of the school's Second Science Club. He goes to the roof of the school to practice his "Dragon Unit", a flight pack. Just as he's about to test it out, he sees a girl falling out of the sky, wearing a similar device. He tries to save her, but fails and falls to his death. However, several seconds later, he finds himself having gone back in time a few seconds ago (though he has no memory of it) with the same incident occurring.



Hayato Hino is a high school student at Ryuusei Academy in Tokyo, and is a member of the school's Second Science Club. He goes to the roof of the school to practice his "Dragon Unit", a flight pack. Just as he's about to test it out, he sees a girl falling out of the sky, wearing a similar device. He tries to save her, but fails and falls to his death. However, several seconds later, he finds himself having gone back in time a few seconds ago (though he has no memory of it) with the same incident occurring.

Adventure > Visual Novel
Release Date (JP)

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