Comic Koubou

Comic Koubou

Comic Koubou

Ever wanted to make your own comics or manga? No need to wait anymore, here is the software you are looking for! With Comic Workshop, you will be able to easily create comics and manga, step by step, thanks to the various tools available. From frames management to text entry, everything you need to make the best creations is gathered in this software. Speech bubbles, pattern filling, stickers or other roller stamps are not only useful but also fun to use! Many standard tools are also present like the eraser, straight line tool, color picker, selection tool, etc.


Comic Koubou

Ever wanted to make your own comics or manga? No need to wait anymore, here is the software you are looking for! With Comic Workshop, you will be able to easily create comics and manga, step by step, thanks to the various tools available. From frames management to text entry, everything you need to make the best creations is gathered in this software. Speech bubbles, pattern filling, stickers or other roller stamps are not only useful but also fun to use! Many standard tools are also present like the eraser, straight line tool, color picker, selection tool, etc.

Miscellaneous > Edutainment
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