Prehistoric Tale, A

Prehistoric Tale, A

Prehistoric Tale, A

Take yourself back to the time when dinosaurs still ruled the earth - take upon yourself the task of rescuing them from extinction in "A Prehistoric Tale". Negotiate 80 levels of a time when man did not exist. Play it on your own or play it in the fiendishly addictive simultaneous two-player mode. Fun factor: Amazing! Lastability: Unbelievable! Style: Cute yet incredible! A Prehistoric Tale... Will it be your tale?


Prehistoric Tale, A

Take yourself back to the time when dinosaurs still ruled the earth - take upon yourself the task of rescuing them from extinction in "A Prehistoric Tale". Negotiate 80 levels of a time when man did not exist. Play it on your own or play it in the fiendishly addictive simultaneous two-player mode. Fun factor: Amazing! Lastability: Unbelievable! Style: Cute yet incredible! A Prehistoric Tale... Will it be your tale?

Lost Boys, Thalion
Lost Boys
Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

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