Attack The Light

Attack The Light

Attack The Light

Attack the Light: Steven Universe RPG is a Role-Playing game, developed by Grumpyface Studios and published by Cartoon Network, which was released in 2015.


Attack The Light

Attack the Light: Steven Universe RPG is a Role-Playing game, developed by Grumpyface Studios and published by Cartoon Network, which was released in 2015.

Cartoon Network
Grumpyface Studios
Role-Playing > General
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints


Save single-use buffs and debuff items for Bosses.

Extra hits

You can get an extra hit if a gem is tapped as soon as it appears.


Use the correct skills for the task. If needed, end a turn while you have star points remaining. They may be more useful when used with the points you are rewarded at the start of the next turn. Garnet's Shield Breaker skill will weaken powerful enemies. Steven's Encouragement skill is useful; upgrade it early in the game.

Star Fruits

Star Fruits are common. Use them to make things easier.


Although you cannot block each enemy attack, you can do this to many of them. Either tap the screen once or repeatedly.


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