Line Trio

Line Trio

Line Trio

Line Trio


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Line Trio (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints


When a level begins you can opt have boosters to make it easier.

+3 moves: Allows three more moves.
Block Change: Swap the position of two different blocks.
Line Plus: Change one block into a line block.
Random Block: Gives one random block at the start.
Star Shot: Remove a specific block on the level.
Super Plus: Spawn a line block every ten moves.


Search for large chains to match. Spend time to plan out matches.

Special blocks

Match blocks in a certain order to create special blocks. Match four blocks in a straight line to create Line blocks. Depending on which direction the last block was moved, it will form a horizontal or vertical block, removing all the blocks in that particular row or column. Match five blocks in an "L" shape to create Hyper blocks. These blocks remove all blocks in the surrounding area. Match five blocks in a straight line to create Random blocks. These blocks will remove all blocks of a single type on the entire level. Combine special blocks with each other to increase their effect.


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