Smuggler's Run: Warzones

Smuggler's Run: Warzones

Smuggler's Run: Warzones

Smuggler's Run: Warzones

Rockstar Games
Rockstar San Diego
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Smuggler's Run: Warzones (Gamecube). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Bonus FMV Movie

Come in 1st place in all 25 races under the Checkpoint Races menu. After placing 1st in all 25 races, go to the Extras->Movie Theater menu & you will see a movie called ''SR News.''

How to Unlock
Bonus FMV Movie
Come in 1st place in all 25 races under the Checkpoint Races menu. After placing 1st in all 25 races, go to the Extras->Movie Theater menu & you will see a movie called ''SR News.''

Bonus Missions

To unlock the bonus missions for a level, find all three hidden tokens in it. These bonus missions are accessible via the ''EXTRAS'' option on the main menu. You must unlock the bonus missions in order of the game's levels to be able to play them.

You have to unlock the bonus missions in the Russia level before you can play the bonus missions in the Vietnam level, even if you already found all the tokens in the Vietnam level.

How to Unlock
Bonus Missions
To unlock the bonus missions for a level, find all three hidden tokens in it. These bonus missions are accessible via the ''EXTRAS'' option on the main menu. You must unlock the bonus missions in order of the game's levels to be able to play them.

Cheat Codes

Pause the game and hit the following buttons:

Z, R, Z, R, Right, Right, Right
Cars fly away upon collision with your vehicle
D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, D-Pad Left, D-Pad Right, Z, Z, R
Glass Car Code - This code makes your car infinitely look like it's cloaked. (You are not actually cloaked. The computer still sees you, but you don't show up on your radar.)
Infinite counter measures
X, Z, X, Z, Up, Up, Up
No Gravity


To unlock the hoverbike, get a ''GREAT'' rating on all smuggler's missions.

How to Unlock
Get a ''GREAT'' rating on all smuggler's missions.

Secret Level

To get the secret level: ''North America'' You must find all of the secret tokens in JOYRIDIN' mode. These tokens are small, and look like the circuit chips used for pickups, except on each side is the logo of one of the companies that made the game.

Russia: On the roof of your central base. (Brown Building surrounded by hills.) Jump off of one of the hills w/ a speed or vertical boost.

Vietnam: On the lava on the OUTSIDE of the volcano, you either need the hoverbike or the baja truck and unlimited vertical boosts to get TO the volcano however. (Jump before you get in above your wheels, then when you hit the sea floor, use another vert. boost.)

Russian Winter: The burnt-out village has lots of smoking craters right? In one of the craters near the edge there's a token. (Sorry, hard to be specific w/ no landmarks to use.)

Europe: On top of one of th buildings in industrial city, jump off a ramp onto a building shaped like this:
then rev up and speed boost off the ramp to snag the 4th token!


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