Mind Strike

Mind Strike

Mind Strike

What a romp! A mind-jolter that can be played slow, using alternating turns, or fast, with both players simultaneously hooked to the ultimate goal of conquering each other's CASTLE! Playing it slow, it's called MIND STRIKE, and requires quite a bit of strategic thinking. Playing it fast it's called SPEED STRIKE, and it's a dazzler that blends action with strategy! Choose up to 50 playing boards or design your own. Program the computer opponent's skill level (to your or his advantage). Engage in tantalizing confrontations. Combine your pieces for greater strength or split them apart to move...


Mind Strike

What a romp! A mind-jolter that can be played slow, using alternating turns, or fast, with both players simultaneously hooked to the ultimate goal of conquering each other's CASTLE! Playing it slow, it's called MIND STRIKE, and requires quite a bit of strategic thinking. Playing it fast it's called SPEED STRIKE, and it's a dazzler that blends action with strategy! Choose up to 50 playing boards or design your own. Program the computer opponent's skill level (to your or his advantage). Engage in tantalizing confrontations. Combine your pieces for greater strength or split them apart to move...

Strategy > General
Release Date (US)

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Mind Strike (Intellivision). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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