Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre

Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre

Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre

Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre, the far too long awaited follow up to Buckets of Blood. The game is a fun for all (even mac users) multiplayer cartoon-style third-person shooter. With your friends (if you have some) you take the role of a Legionnaire to shred a huge army of non-descriptive cannon fodder to lots and lots of pieces. This kill count is added to the global kill count,that unlocks new content for all players, including mac users.Starting with 3 maps with different game modes we bring you a variety of enemies and animals to kill, including peace doves and dolphins.If you are into...


Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre

Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre, the far too long awaited follow up to Buckets of Blood. The game is a fun for all (even mac users) multiplayer cartoon-style third-person shooter. With your friends (if you have some) you take the role of a Legionnaire to shred a huge army of non-descriptive cannon fodder to lots and lots of pieces. This kill count is added to the global kill count,that unlocks new content for all players, including mac users.Starting with 3 maps with different game modes we bring you a variety of enemies and animals to kill, including peace doves and dolphins.If you are into...

Sakari Indie
Sakari Indie
Action > Shooter > Third-Person > Arcade
Release Date (US)

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Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Foreign Legion: Multi Massacre (Macintosh). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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