Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2

Electronic Arts
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Chapter 7: Respec

Isaac can re-spec his weapons, RIG, and stasis module at the start of the chapter. Note: Each item re-spec costs 5,000 CR.

Easy Stalker kills

If you are finding the Stalkers troublesome, the best weapon to use against them is the Line Gun. Try to find an area to back yourself into then simply wait and aim. They will eventually pop out and run at you. The Line Gun will easily dispose of them.

Elite space suits

Successfully complete the game to unlock the Riot Armor Suit at the store and the Elite Engineer Suit schematic near the first store. Start a new game session to get the Vintage Elite Suit in Chapter 6, the Security Elite Suit in Chapter 9, and the Advance Elite Suit in Chapter 11.

Extraction: Change weapons

Note: This only affects the current level. Exit out to the main menu, then return to the level. You can use the the weapon loadout screen to change weapons. You will resume with the default ammunition for that weapon. Note: You can only select the left special weapon; the other two special weapons are deleted from your inventory.

Extraction: Expert and Impossible difficulty

Successfully complete Chapter 10.


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