Elle:PrieR: Shiawase no Kakera o Sagashite

Elle:PrieR: Shiawase no Kakera o Sagashite

Elle:PrieR: Shiawase no Kakera o Sagashite

Ryou lives in futuristic city of Oozora-shi and his normal life changes with the arrival of a girl named Konomi. She is an android created by his father who doesnt have any memories. In order to regain her memories, she attends school and he brings her to many places, talks with her a lot and even does ecchi things occasionally. Who is Konomi and why does Ryou want her to regain her memories?


Elle:PrieR: Shiawase no Kakera o Sagashite

Ryou lives in futuristic city of Oozora-shi and his normal life changes with the arrival of a girl named Konomi. She is an android created by his father who doesnt have any memories. In order to regain her memories, she attends school and he brings her to many places, talks with her a lot and even does ecchi things occasionally. Who is Konomi and why does Ryou want her to regain her memories?


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