


Deep in the bowels of the Black Mesa Federal Research Facility, a decommissioned missile base, a top-secret experiment goes terribly wrong. As aliens come through the walls and a military death squad shoots everything in sight, young research associate Gordon Freeman must scramble to stay alive. Find your way through the monster-ridden areas of Black Mesa using your wits, limited security clearance, and a variety of weapons, ranging from a crowbar and pistols to a rocket launcher and grenades. With split-screen deathmatch and its exclusive "Decay" single-player and multiplayer cooperative...



Deep in the bowels of the Black Mesa Federal Research Facility, a decommissioned missile base, a top-secret experiment goes terribly wrong. As aliens come through the walls and a military death squad shoots everything in sight, young research associate Gordon Freeman must scramble to stay alive. Find your way through the monster-ridden areas of Black Mesa using your wits, limited security clearance, and a variety of weapons, ranging from a crowbar and pistols to a rocket launcher and grenades. With split-screen deathmatch and its exclusive "Decay" single-player and multiplayer cooperative...

Valve Software, Sierra Entertainment
Valve Software
Action > Shooter > First-Person > Arcade
1-32 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Access Any Level

You must first enable the ''console'' (see elsewhere on the codes list), then in the game, open the console and type ''map x''. x represents the name of the level as listed below; for instance, type ''map c0a0'' for the first level.

A lot of the time you won't begin in the place you would if you accessed the map normally. You will sometimes need to use the No Clipping Mode to move out of the start positions.

c3a1, c3a1a, c3a1b
''Forget About Freeman!''
c1a3, c1a3a, c1a3b, c1a3c, c1a3d
''We've Got Hostiles''
c1a0, c1a0a, c1a0b, c1a0d, c1a0e
Anomalous Materials
c2a3, c2a3a, c2a3b, c2a3c, c2a3d, c2a3e
c0a0, c0a0a, c0a0b, c0a0c, c0a0d, c0a0e
Black Mesa Inbound
c1a4, c1a4b, c1a4d, c1a4f, c1a4g, c1a4i, c1a4j, c1a4k
Blast Pit
c4a2, c4a2a, c4a2b
Gonarch's Lair
c4a1a, c4a1b, c4a1c, c4a1d, c4a1e, c4a1f
c3a2e, c3a2, c3a2a, c3a2b, c3a2c, c3a2d, c3a2f
Lambda Core
c1a2, c1a2a, c1a2b, c1a2c, c1a2d
Office Complex
c2a2, c2a2a, c2a2b1, c2a2b2, c2a2c, c2a2d, c2a2e, c2a2f, c2a2g, c2a2h
On a Rail
c2a1, c2a1a, c2a1b
Power Up
c2a4d, c2a4e, c2a4f, c2a4g
Questionable Ethics
c2a4, c2a4a, c2a4b, c2a4c
Residue Processing
c2a5, c2a5a, c2a5b, c2a5c, c2a5d, c2a5e, c2a5f, c2a5g, c2a5w, c2a5x
Surface Tension
c1a0c, c1a1, c1a1a, c1a1b, c1a1c, c1a1d
Unforeseen Consequences

Artificial staircase (1)

Put Trip Mines onto a wall in form of a small staircase. You can actually jump on them and even use them to reach places you're not supposed to reach just yet or even places that aren't supposed to ever be reached like roofs that can be used as shortcuts.

Console Codes

First, enable the console. Then, type the proper code into it to get the desired effect.

give ammo_9mmclip
17 ammo for the glock pistol.
give ammo_357
Ammo for the 357 magnum.
give ammo_9mmbox
Ammo for the glock pistol.
give ammo_crossbow
Crossbow ammo.
impulse 203
Delete Targeted Enemy
r_fullbright 1 (Replace 1 with 0 to turn them back on.)
Eliminate Shadows
give weapon_python
Gives you a 357 Magnum
give ammo_Egonclip
Gives you ammo for the Egon
give ammo_Gaussclip
Gives you ammo for the Gauss
give ammo_9mmAR
Gives you ammo for the MP5
give ammo_RPGclip
Gives you ammo for the RPG
give weapon_handgrenade
Gives you some hand grenades.
give item_healthkit
Gives you some health.
give weapon_tripmine
Gives you some laser tripmines.
give weapon_snark
Gives you some snarks.
give weapon_357
Gives you the 357 Magnum.
give weapon_crossbow
Gives you the crossbow.
give weapon_crowbar
Gives you the crowbar.
give weapon_9mmhandgun
Gives you the glock pistol.
give weapon_gauss
Gives you the guass rifle.
give item_suit
Gives you the HEV suit.
give weapon_hornetgun
Gives you the hornet gun.
give weapon_mp5
Gives you the MP5.
give weapon_rpg
Gives you the rocket launcher.
give ammo_ARgrenades
Gives you the secondary ammo for the MP5
give weapon_shotgun
Gives you the shotgun.
impulse 101
Instant Weapons, Ammo, and Armor
give ammo_mp5grenades
Mp5 grenade ammo.
sv_gravity # (Lower numbers gives less gravity, higher gives more. Normal is 800.)
Set Gravity Level
give ammo_buckshot
Shotgun ammo.
impulse 102
Spawn Gibs
impulse 76
Spawn Marines
chase_active 1
Third Person
Third Person View
Walk Through Walls

Console Mode - Game of the Year

Instead of ''C:SIERRAHalf-Lifehl.exe -console''


''C:SIERRAHalf-Lifehl.exe -dev -console''

Otherwise the impulse cheats don't work.

Enable the Console

In order to enable your console, (cheat box, basically) right click on the half life shortcut. Go down to properties. A box should open up with the properties. Go to the target tab. The line should look something like this: X:\Sierra\Half-Life\hl.exe . At the end of that put -console . Now it should look like X:\Sierra\Half-Life\hl.exe -console . Make sure that you are only using one space. Now, go back into Half Life. The main startup screen should have an extra selection that says console. Here you can enter cheats, see what's loading, and even kick people if you are on a server.

Gauss Cannon-Jump

A technique used in a lot of Ego-Shooters is the Rocket-Jump where you point a Rocket Launcher at the ground and fire off a rocket while jumping to be able to jump way higher than usually. The downside is that you lose health by doing this and since a rocket in Half-Life takes away lots of health it wouldn't really be of good use.
Instead you can exploit another possibility in Half-Life: Using the secondary fire mode of the Gauss Cannon instead of the rocket launcher will also launch you high into the air but will not directly deal any damage (only eventual falling damage).

Impulse Codes

After activating the conlse, press tide (~) and enter the following.

impulse 109
Control onscreen monsters. This code may not work in versions of the game.
impulse 76
Creates a human grunt. Be careful, this can crash the game.
impusle 202
Creates blood infront of you, like spray paint.
impulse 203
Deletes target NPC or monster from the game.
impulse 195
Displays AI node information
impulse 105
Enemies can't hear you
impulse 101
Get all weapons and armor. Enter again for more amo and/or armor.
impulse 104
Lists global entities
impulse 102
Spawn gibs.
impulse 103
While looking at amonster, displays stats.
impulse 106
While looking at an object, displays model/sprite stats.
impulse 107
While looking at an object, displays the texture name.

Items from the console

Go to the start menu, then go to all programs, then go to accessesories, then click on command prompt. Select you Half-Life directory and type hl.exe -console then Half-Life should open. Start a new game then press the ` (tilde) key then type in these codes:

give ammo_357
357 magnum ammo
give weapon_mp5
Gives you a MP5
give weapon_python
Gives you a 357 Magnum
give weapon_crossbow
Gives you a Crossbow
give weapon_crowbar
Gives you a Crowbar
give ammo_glockclip
Gives you a Glock pistol clip
give weapon_gauss
Gives you a Guass Rifle
give item_battery
Gives you a HEV Suit Battery (+15 armor)
give weapon_hornetgun
Gives you a Hornet Gun
give weapon_tripmine
Gives you a Laser Trip Mine
give weapon_9mmhandgun
Gives you a Pistol
give weapon_rpg
Gives you a Rocket Launcher
give weapon_satchel
Gives you a Satchel Charge
give weapon_shotgun
Gives you a Shotgun
Gives you Crossbow ammo
give weapon_handgrenade
Gives you some Hand Grenades
give ammo_mp5grenades
Gives you some MP5 Grenades
give weapon_egon
Gives you the egon!
give item_longjump
Gives you the Long Jump Module
give ammo_rpgclip
Gves you a Rocket
give item_healthkit
give item_suit
HEV Suit
give ammo_9mmclip
Pistol clip

See a picture of one of the game developers

During the mission 'On A Rail' (the part of the game where you have to stop the rockets from firing and your in the sewers or something on a trolley). Turn on 'noclip' and float towards the top of the rocket. once you get to the top you can see a pic of a developer of the game. its his face tiled about 50 times on a square. there is a ladder at the top that brings you up another level with the same pic.

P.S - this Easter Egg is only reachable using 'noclip'. there is no other way to get up that high

Super Jump

You go to console and you have to type
X=any number,0-999
sv_gravity X
You should have only one space after gravity and before the number
It shoud look like this
sv_gravity 111

sv_gravity 800
The normal jump
sv_gravity 0-999
You are now the master
sv_gravity 0
You can float and walk in air for amount of time.Highest jump
sv_gravity 999
You can't jump at all



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