7th Guest, The

7th Guest, The

7th Guest, The

Henry Stauf's mansion had been abandoned for as long as anyone dare remember. Stauf was a master toy maker, a maker of amazing puzzles and this strange house was his greatest creation. Now, the mansion stands empty, rotting ever since the children started dying, ever since the six guests came. Now there are only the eerie lights and the terrible sing-song rhymes of the children...And suddenly, you are in the house. You move from room to haunted room, step by terrifying step, as scenes from that night of horror come to life. Because Stauf's game isn't over. There were six guests the world knew...


7th Guest, The

Henry Stauf's mansion had been abandoned for as long as anyone dare remember. Stauf was a master toy maker, a maker of amazing puzzles and this strange house was his greatest creation. Now, the mansion stands empty, rotting ever since the children started dying, ever since the six guests came. Now there are only the eerie lights and the terrible sing-song rhymes of the children...And suddenly, you are in the house. You move from room to haunted room, step by terrifying step, as scenes from that night of horror come to life. Because Stauf's game isn't over. There were six guests the world knew...

Trilobyte, Virgin Interactive
Adventure > General
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating


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