Bratz: The Movie

Bratz: The Movie

Bratz: The Movie

It's time for the Bratz girls to hit the red carpet! Join Chloe, Jade, Sasha and Yasmin as they rock out in explosive music shows, strut the fashion runway with stylin' outfits designed by you, and publish the hottest magazine ever! Their hard work lands them a once in a lifetime opportunity to star in their very own movie!


Bratz: The Movie

It's time for the Bratz girls to hit the red carpet! Join Chloe, Jade, Sasha and Yasmin as they rock out in explosive music shows, strut the fashion runway with stylin' outfits designed by you, and publish the hottest magazine ever! Their hard work lands them a once in a lifetime opportunity to star in their very own movie!

Blitz Games, THQ
Blitz Games
Simulation > Virtual > Virtual Life
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Bratz: The Movie (PlayStation 2). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Clothing Lines

To unlock these clothing lines, go to the small laptop near the Computers in the Bratz Office and type them in.

Effect - Code

Passion 4 Fashion Clothing Line - Enter ANGELZ as a code
Sweetz Clothing Line - Enter SWEETZ as a code
Feelin' Pretty Clothing Line - Enter PRETTY as a code
High School Clothing Line - Enter SCHOOL as a code


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