Call of Duty 3

Call of Duty 3

Call of Duty 3

Call of Duty 3

ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy completion of Night Drop mission

When you meet up with the French rebels you will have a choice to go left to the Flak 88s or go through the house to the right. Go left to the guns, then kill all the Nazis around the gun and in the ditch leading to the next gun. Then, blow up the 88 and move on to the rest of the guns. After you blow up all the guns you will reach the house you would have if you went right. When you go in the house you must defeat a Nazi that is standing there waiting for you. Kill all the enemies in the house and fall through the burning floor. You will see your allies there waiting for you.

Good gun in The Island mission

In the second mission, "The Island", there will be a man under the second bridge with a FG42 scoped. That gun will get more ammunition every time you kill someone. The gun starts with 96 ammo remaining and you can kill about 150 people with it (not including melee). After completing that mission you will have the gun on the third mission, but you must save the gun through the third mission to get it in the fourth mission and so on.

Gore glitch

When on the Mayenne bridge mission and that one guy has to defuse those explosives and you're supposed to cover him get on the machine gun and just start mowing down Nazi's and you will see a lot of extra blood.

Move friendlies

To move your friendlies, use ADS and aim at them, then press Fire. Do not worry as you cannot shoot at a friendly. Your friendly should move from his location. This is useful when you are trying to enter an area blocked by a friendly.

Scoped FG42 in The Mace mission

When you get to the part where you must keep the Nazis from the trenches, do not listen to the men. Go to the right and follow the path to find an FG42 scoped leaning on a crate.



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