Clock Tower 3

Clock Tower 3

Clock Tower 3

Alyssa Hamilton is an ordinary girl, with ordinary dreams, who is about to discover a side of herself that she never knew she possessed. Only she has the power to destroy the Evil Servants--foul spirits who thrive on the trapped life force of their murdered victims' souls. To save her and these tortured innocents, you must unlock the mysteries surrounding the death of each soul. The legions of the dark world, however, won't succumb easily, so you must summon the sacred weapons necessary to banish them back to the nightmare realms.


Clock Tower 3

Alyssa Hamilton is an ordinary girl, with ordinary dreams, who is about to discover a side of herself that she never knew she possessed. Only she has the power to destroy the Evil Servants--foul spirits who thrive on the trapped life force of their murdered victims' souls. To save her and these tortured innocents, you must unlock the mysteries surrounding the death of each soul. The legions of the dark world, however, won't succumb easily, so you must summon the sacred weapons necessary to banish them back to the nightmare realms.

SunSoft, Capcom
Action Adventure > Survival
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Acid Man

When you first meet him, use the Holy Water. This will set him on fire for a few seconds and give you enough time to run. Run down the steps (where the lion fountain is located) and run past the door. There should be a small outhouse. Run in there until the music stops. If you enter the house and he appears, run up stairs. He will follow you. Go into the room and under the bed (if you have not found it already). There should be a secret ladder leading to somewhat of an entertainment room. When down there. Acid Man will appear. When he does, look for a fire extinguisher and use it against him. This will cause the room to become filled with white smoke and he will not be able to see. Use this chance to get out of the room. If you are on the other side of the big fans outside when he appears, go through the only door there. Go down the stairs and into the first door. Go all the way into the back. Alyssa will see an electric box when he comes in, and is close enough use it against him. This is another chance for you to escape. After he has fries, he should come out again. If he does, run past the door (where the electric box was located) and past the ghost (whose spirit you must set free). You will reach somewhat of a dead end. Stand there for a few seconds, and the music should stop, indicating that he left. If Acid Man follows you down there, use the Holy Water on him and run back and out the door to where the giant fans are located. Stay there until he follows you. When he does, run around the junkyard and back in the door. Go back to where that dead end is located. Another way if he follows you again is to walk towards the wall, and on that small walkway Alyssa will walk against the wall and he will be gone. Beware -- when you do the bridge part he will appear again and say "I found you".

Art Gallery

After beating the game, you can also access artwork featuring character and pre- production area designs. To access the art gallery, press R1 when in the cinema viewer.


To get trough barriers, (Mostly on doors) spread some lavender water on it. The barrier should break like glass and you can go through.

Chopper Man

It is recommended that you carry as many Holy Waters as possible, and refill every time you get to one Holy Water remaining. When he first appears, use the Holy Water and run for the door on Alyssa's right. You should be in a office room that has two fish tanks. Run behind the fish tank that is closes to the television screen. You will see Chopper Man enter and repeat his "Oh nice trick" phrase. When you either see or hear him vanish, the coast is clear. When he appears on the B2 floor, does run down the stairs and go all the way to Alyssa's left. There should be some barrels and fire there. Hide in there and a short intermission sequence will appear. If he appears at random in the factory, do not bother hiding in the elevator. It will not do anything, as he will still be outside the elevator waiting and you will be trapped. If you need to enter the elevator and go to either B1, B2, or B3 (whichever floor you are on) and ride the elevator up or down, then go back to the floor you were on. When doing this, he will appear on that same floor again. This will get you just enough time to do what you need to do. If Alyssa is in panic mode, you will not be able to use the elevator. It is best if you use the Lavender Water to lower her panic or try to make a run for it. When you enter the grave yard after the intermission sequence, run towards Alyssa's right. There should be a house. Once inside, go around and pass the beds. Hide behind the curtain until he is gone.

Clear Mode

Successfully complete the game to unlock Clear mode. This mode is a more difficult version of the game with enemies have more powerful weapons and your character's panic goes to full when surprised.

Defeat Final Boss

Don’t charge to the max when fighting the final boss. The instant the boss fight begins, charge to second stage glow (small glow, then medium glow), and blast him. If he already shoots the fireball, press X to squat and dodge the fireball and repeat until he can't use his fireball anymore. When he laughs, it's your chance to use 2nd stage blast on him repeatedly until he dies. He can't use fireballs since he's been disrupted by Alyssa’s medium charge arrow, thus combo- ing him to death. But if he suddenly use the blood puddle attack, run and repeat. His dialogue will indicate if he’s going to use it. Press R1 to use special arrow.

Defeat Scissorwoman

Watch when she's coming towards you. Then face her, aim, wait till she's right at you, and release. She will retreat. Also, you can try moving, and when she gets near you and stops to attack, get strafe out of the way, turn, aim, and fire.

Defeat Subordinates

Charge up until your arrow has a little yellow "tail" coming from it.

Get Out Of Panic Mode

To get out of panic mode either use Lavender Water; or while you are running and Alyssa, stops keep pressing X. She will be able to move again.

Get Rid Of The Moth

Although moths may appear as if they are your friends, they are not. If they get near you, either use your Holy Water or keep pressing X and Alyssa will say "Get off".



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