WWF Royal Rumble

WWF Royal Rumble

WWF Royal Rumble

WWF Royal Rumble is a Sports game, developed by Sculptured Software and published by Flying Edge, which was released in 1993.


WWF Royal Rumble

WWF Royal Rumble is a Sports game, developed by Sculptured Software and published by Flying Edge, which was released in 1993.

Sculptured Software, Flying Edge
Sculptured Software
Sports > Individual > Combat > Wrestling
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)



Cheat Codes/Hints

Continue match

Hold A+B+C after being thrown out. The sound of the bell will confirm correct code entry. You will return as one of the remaining wrestlers.

Hint: Special moves

The following is a list of each players' special move. Note: You can only do special moves if your opponent is under one-third health.

Bret Hart: Sharp Shooter. While opponent is on the ground, go to his legs and press A + B.

Crush: Cranium Crunch. While opponent is in dazed state, walk behind him and press A + B.

Hulk Hogan: Leg Drop Off the Ropes. While opponent is on the ground, move to his side and repeatedly press A + B.

IRS: Write-Off. While in a grapple, repeatedly press A + B until the power bar is all the way up

Jim Duggan: Charging Clothesline. While opponent is in dazed state, walk to the opposite side of the ring and press A + B. If done correctly, Jim will go into a runner's stance.

Papa Shango: Shoulder Breaker. While in a grapple, repeatedly press A + B until the power bar is all the way up.

Randy Savage: Flying Elbow Smash. Get on ropes closest to your opponent and press A + B.

Razon Ramon: The Razor's Edge. While in a grapple, repeatedly press A + B until the power bar is all the way up

Shawn Michaels: Back Suplex. While opponent is in dazed state, walk behind him and press A + B.

The Model: Boston Crab. While opponent is on the ground, go to his legs and press A + B.

The Narcissist: Running Forearm. While in a grapple, repeatedly press A + B until the power bar is all the way up. Note: He usually will only do this if you are in the center of the ring.

The Undertaker: Tombstone. While in a grapple, repeatedly press A + B until the power bar is all the way up.

Hint: Win one fall match

At the beginning, get your opponent into a grapple and throw him out of the ring. The referee will stand in the bottom corner and count to disqualification. Get on the other side of the ring directly opposite of the referee and run into him. If done correctly, you will run over the referee. Then, fight your opponent outside of the ring. Make sure he does not get back in or you will have to start over again. Keep fighting until the referee gets up and counts to eight. Throw your opponent into the metal fence, get into the ring, and he will be disqualified.

Throw your opponent out of the ring and go out after him. Keep him out of the ring no matter what. If done correctly, your disqualification count will be lower than your opponent's and he will be disqualified before you.

Illegal moves

Punch the referee two times or run into him to knock him unconscious for a few seconds. Illegal moves may be performed without penalty while the referee is down.

Same character match

Highlight any character, hold Start, and press B + Up. The corresponding wrestler may be selected as both characters in a match.



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