Wizard Willy

Wizard Willy

Wizard Willy

Explore massive levels, enchanted forests, dark dungeons, spiral stairways and fortress battlements! Face crazy creatures, fairies, trolls, and huge guardian skulls. Use vanish spells, magic power, hi-energy lightning bolts, nimble climbs and daring leaps! ZAP your way to the Princess and rescue her before it's too late!


Wizard Willy

Explore massive levels, enchanted forests, dark dungeons, spiral stairways and fortress battlements! Face crazy creatures, fairies, trolls, and huge guardian skulls. Use vanish spells, magic power, hi-energy lightning bolts, nimble climbs and daring leaps! ZAP your way to the Princess and rescue her before it's too late!

Cartoon Time
Cartoon Time
Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheats, Codes, Hints

We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Wizard Willy (Sinclair ZX81/Spectrum). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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