


Selfloss is an emotional adventure game set in a Slavic-inspired whale-worshiping fantasy land.

The old healer Kazimir makes an epic journey by boat and on foot in search of a ritual that can cure his soul wound. Meet memorable characters and use the light of your magic staff to fight Miasm - the mysterious affliction taking over the world. Kazimir's staff is central to the game's mechanics and story, creating unique gameplay opportunities by controlling the staff both simultaneously and independently. Take on enemies spawned by the Miasma with the searing light of your...




Selfloss is an emotional adventure game set in a Slavic-inspired whale-worshiping fantasy land.

The old healer Kazimir makes an epic journey by boat and on foot in search of a ritual that can cure his soul wound. Meet memorable characters and use the light of your magic staff to fight Miasm - the mysterious affliction taking over the world. Kazimir's staff is central to the game's mechanics and story, creating unique gameplay opportunities by controlling the staff both simultaneously and independently. Take on enemies spawned by the Miasma with the searing light of your...


Merge Games
Action Adventure
Release Date (US)
Rating Pending

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Selfloss (Nintendo Switch). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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