Unreal Championship

Unreal Championship

Unreal Championship

The latest edition to the Unreal universe immerses you in adrenaline-packed multiplayer and single-player frag-fests. Designed specifically for Xbox and the Xbox controller, the game incorporates console-specific features such as joypad-activated special moves, double jump, power-ups, unlockable features, and more to keep gamers glued to their couches with knuckle-whitened tension. You have the choice to either fight through a series of matches in the single-player mode against computer-controlled opponents or play online against human-controlled adversaries.


Unreal Championship

The latest edition to the Unreal universe immerses you in adrenaline-packed multiplayer and single-player frag-fests. Designed specifically for Xbox and the Xbox controller, the game incorporates console-specific features such as joypad-activated special moves, double jump, power-ups, unlockable features, and more to keep gamers glued to their couches with knuckle-whitened tension. You have the choice to either fight through a series of matches in the single-player mode against computer-controlled opponents or play online against human-controlled adversaries.

Digital Extremes, Atari SA
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Agility power-up

When your adrenaline reaches 100 and it starts to flash, quickly tap Down(3), Up.

Alternate rocket launcher firing

When using the rocket launcher, hold Alternate Fire. Once you load two rockets, hold Primary Fire until all three are launched. This will make the three rockets launch in a tighter formation and will cause them to fire in a circular motion instead of going straight.

Avoiding rocket attacks

When you get locked on by another player with 3three rockets, dodge to the left or right and keep circling the Analog-stick used to move your character. They will not hit you, but will keep circling around. After you see the rockets passing by, move towards a wall and run the rockets into it.

Chrome: Unlimited adrenaline

When playing on Chrome (Xbox Live), get your adrenaline at maximum and press Right(2), Left(2) for invincibility. Go to your base and stand on where the adrenaline pills appear. If you can get all of them before you run out of invincibility, your adrenaline should get stuck between 20 and 50 and stop moving, thus giving you unlimited invincibility.

Combo with the shock rifle

To do a powerful combo attack with the shock rifle use the secondary fire which is the ball of energy and then when it is near your desired target fire the primary fire at it and watch them all die!

Destroying Translocator pods

If you are finding a lot of Translocator pods laying about the level and mainly near your flag, simply destroy them. Using one rocket or just a hit or two from most other weapons is all that is needed. You will notice that the pod has been
destroyed when it starts to spark. When the player who put the pod down tries to warp back to its location, they will be killed instantly.

Easy Bombing Run win

Select a Gen Mok'ia, then choose to play Bombing Run. When the game starts, switch to the Translocator. When playing the board Anubis, use that to get the ball much quicker than anyone else. Take the side tunnels and you will get the ball before the other team is out of their base area. Also, when going down ramps, press Up(2) to jet forward and fly down the ramp.

In the Eye of Jahan Bombing Run level, walk to the edge of the level until you are thrown into the air by the dust devil. Float your way around the level until you are behind the blue flag near the building where the ball spawns. Do this by holding the Analog-stick in the direction of the wall, with slight forward pressure; too much and you will fall and bleed. Once you are in position, you should fall a short distance and land on an invisible ledge about 50 feet in the air. This is a great place to use homing rockets.

Easy flag win

When you get the other team's flag use your shell gun and make your team defend your team's flag. Run for your base. If there are people from the other team shooting you. The shell gun should give you time to get to your base if you have full life. Do this repeatedly and you will be winner of the flag championship.

Easy kills

In any of the levels get the electric gun and use the L triger to aim slightly over the enemys head and shoot the enemy will die and a word "HEAD SHOT" will apear at the top of the screen.

Easy sidestep and flip

Configure you controls as follows: A (back pedal), B (sidestep right), Y (move forward), X (sidestep left), Up (give orders), Left (switch weapons left), and Right (switch weapons right). Tap X(2), or B(2) during game play to sidestep. Tap A(2),
or Y(2) to flip. These techniques make you much harder to hit and faster.



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