WWE WrestleMania XXI

WWE WrestleMania XXI

WWE WrestleMania XXI

WWE WrestleMania XXI




Cheat Codes/Hints

619 Finisher

First of all you need to be Rey Mysterio unless your created guy has a 619 for a finisher. Hit an opponent by the ropes in order to have him slumped on the ropes. At that point, press A + B simultaneously to perform the 619.

Career Mode

To unlock career mode, you must first create your own wrestler. You cannot play career mode with a WWE Superstar or WWE Diva.

Cash Prizes

Reach Amateur status to get $100,000. Reach Superstar status to get $300,000.

Christian's entrance

When Christian comes out on his entrance, he comes out to the part where it says "If you close your eyes". However, if you unlock his Titantron it starts with the introduction before singing the song.

Easy submissions

When you have someone in a submission hold, alternately press X, A instead of just one button repeatedly as the game prompts. The bar on top for the hold will move towards submit very quickly. It will not cause your opponent to tap out
however, unless the body part you are applying it to is yellow, almost orange.

Easy way to get Big Show 2003

Go into a normal match and set it to two players. Press Start, then turn two players off. Go down after Big Show, and you should see Big Show 2003. You can now play as him without having to unlock him normally. When you are going to play an exhibition, before you select your wrestlers choose where it read "Player One" (or your profile name) and switch it to "CPU". Advance to pick your wrestler and press B. Then, switch CPU to "Player One" (or your profile name) and advance to the pick your wrestler screen. Go one past Big Show and you will see Big Show 2003 version.

Edge's Music

If you play a match as Edge and win, it will play his music that he had before his theme by Alterbridge.

Freeze game

When you finish a match and the replay starts, press a button to make it stop, then keep pressing it. The game will freeze with "Wrestlemania 21" on the screen.

HBK's and Kurt Angle's pyros

Look at HBK's entrance. Notice how his pyrotechnics go straight up instead of his side to side. Then, watch Kurt Angle's and notice how his pyro goes side to side instead of straight up.

Legend Killer Rematch

Go to exhibition mode and do a singles match with The Undertaker and Randy Orton. Then, choose Wrestlemania 21 and then have your rematch of Legend vs. Legend Killer.



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