Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The

The next chapter in the highly anticipated Elder Scrolls saga arrives from the makers of the 2006 and 2008 Games of the Year, Bethesda Game Studios. Skyrim reimagines and revolutionizes the open-world fantasy epic, bringing to life a complete virtual world open for you to explore any way you choose.


Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The

The next chapter in the highly anticipated Elder Scrolls saga arrives from the makers of the 2006 and 2008 Games of the Year, Bethesda Game Studios. Skyrim reimagines and revolutionizes the open-world fantasy epic, bringing to life a complete virtual world open for you to explore any way you choose.

Bethesda Game Studios, Bethesda Softworks
Bethesda Game Studios
Role-Playing > Western-Style
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints


How to unlock

Arrow Glitch

After killing the first dragon and being appointed Thane of Whiterun, talk to your new house earl and Trade items with them. Take your best set of arrows and give ONE to them, remove their sword and assign them a bow. Every time you go into battle, they will fire multiple arrows from the one you traded. Collect all of them after your battle and enjoy your new stock of arrows.

Bear traps

Some people don't know this but you can pick up bear traps and move them around but you can't pick them up buy the spikes you have to pick them up from the side, I recommend you close the trap first.

Become a werewolf

Go to the city of Whiterun. Move through the town until you reach Dragonsreach, which is the castle. While standing on the steps looking at the doors to Dragonsreach, look to your right. There should be a building that resembles a ship's hull. This is where the Companions are located. Go and join them. After a few quests you are given the chance to become a werewolf. To use your new ability, go to "Magic", then "Powers", then "Beast Form". Beast Form can be used once a day. You will turn into a werewolf and friendly humans will attack you. You will have increased speed, health, damage, and stamina. You cannot pick up objects. If you kill a human you can "Feed" on the corpse to regain some health and extend the duration of Beast Form. This is also useful for traveling great distances on foot. When the werewolf sprints, it runs on all fours, and moves much faster than a horse. The werewolf's stamina also regenerates very quickly.

Buy The Whiterun House Without Spending 5000 Coins

In order to buy the house in Whiterun, you'll need 5000 coins on hand, but you'll be able to keep it with this trick -- which makes use of your ability to turn your head around while talking to people. If you go to the man who sells you the house in Whiterun while he's asleep in his bed, he'll sit up to talk to you. Make sure you're standing in a place that you can open the nightstand or dresser next to the bed while you're talking to him. As soon as you agree to buy the house *immediately* open the dresser next to the bed and put your gold into it and return to the conversation. He'll give you the key, and then you can just get your gold back out of the dresser, as rich as you were before.

Constant slow motion

You need a bow, arrow and the Eagle Eye perk. Just zoom in with the bow and the game will slow down. Now, reload a save while still zooming. The game is now in slow motion until you use the zoom again. Found on Xbox360.

Dawnguard: Achievements

How to unlock

Distributing Skill Points As A Mage

As a Mage, Magicka is most certainly your top priority. However, Magicka should not be your only priority. Distributing points to both Health and Stamina will also save your life, if not on numerous occasions. Remember that, even as a Mage, Health and Stamina are essential for taking blows and/or evading them as well.

DLC: Hearthfire

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock

Do Not Delete Box!

At random times in the game, the shopkeepers of Whiterun (and possibly elsewhere) will sell a "Miscellaneous" item called "Do Not Delete". It appears to be a common treasure chest; however, much like the paintbrushes in Oblivion, have no laws of gravity applied to them. When you drop them, they float wherever your cursor was. Purchase two of them to get into areas you couldn't reach before, or (painstakingly) create a stairway to the sky.

Dragon tomb location

Use a shout in front of a guard (not a dangerous one). A courier will deliver a letter from a "friend", giving you the location of another dragon tomb.

Dragonborn: Achievements

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock

Dragonreach cave puzzles

Inside the cave during your first mission for Dragonreach, you are faced with a combination puzzle. Look to the wall above the closed gate. You will see two heads with a gap in the middle. Each one holds a picture of a creature (snake and dolphin). On the floor by the lever is the third creature (snake). The combination is Snake, Snake, Dolphine. The second combination is found deeper in the chambers. It is a turntable combination, which is more difficult. This one is Bear, Owl, Bird. Insert the claw and the door will open.

Duplicate Any Apparel

Place any apparel item (armor or jewelry for better results) on any mannequin. Then place the item back into your inventory. Leave your location to another area (ie. Exit a house), then return to the area to find the item still on the mannequin. Successful duplication.

Duplicate armor

This trick requires a mannequin found in some purchasable houses and the Dawnstar Brotherhood Sanctuary. Place the desired armor on the mannequin and immediately take it off (before closing the menu). Leave the house and re-enter. The item will be on the mannequin with the original still in your pack. If it was modified via Smithing (made flawless for example), it will not be carried over to the duplicated item.

Duplicating books

This trick requires that you own a house with an alchemy lab. Activate the bookshelf and place the desired book on it. Leave the menu and immediately activate the bookshelf again. If your book has not yet physically appeared on the shelf, wait at the menu screen where you can loot the bookshelf. Once you see the book in front of you (it will hover in front of the shelf while the menu is open), loot the book from the shelf in the menu. Immediately close the menu, and you can click on the book itself to read and then take it. You have effectively looted the book twice, putting two of them in your inventory. This trick can be repeated as many times as desired, and is especially useful with expensive books such as the Oghma Infinium.

Early Sneak Skill and Level Up

Once you can get to Bleak Falls Barrow, go and talk to Sven to talk about his love troubles with this girl. Accept to deliver a fake letter to the girl he mentioned. Go find the girl and deliver the letter (lie) to her. After, go to Faendal and accept the Golden Claw quest. Go back to Sven and talk to him about the quest. Then tell him to follow you. Sneak behind and sneak attack Sven. You can do this as much as you want (as long as you don't kill him). For every sneak attacks, your sneak skill should increase, which increases your level progression. Sven gets mad at you obviously, but he never tries to attack you back. *NOTE*: DO NOT get the perk to increase one-handed weapons to do 6x damage. If you do, and you try to sneak attack after you get the perk, you'll do a sweet kill animation where you slit his throat. Sven dead = no more sneak attacks :( You could save up your perk points after each level up to get all the weapon sneak skill perks at once. (to avoid killing Sven) This method should also raise one-handed weapon skill (or whatever type of weapon you have equipped) as well.

Easy "Golden Touch" Achievement

While doing the quests to complete the "One With The Shadows" achievement or trophy, you will have a special request for Windhelm called "Summerset Shadows". When you have completed this quest, Niranye will have 4,000 gold on her every two days. This makes earning the "Golden Touch" achievement easy. It is possible to seel almost 145,000 gold in thirty minutes.

Easy armor, spells, and general leveling

Set the difficulty to "Novice" and have a weak one-handed attack enemy hit you while healing. This will level the armor you are wearing, restoration, also may level up illusion.

Easy Blocking experience

Use the following trick to level up your blocking or just save a few spare perks. Find a weak enemy that does not like to enter water (for example, a wolf). Pin yourself between the enemy and the water, and use a rubber band to hold the trigger button that controls your shield. Note: Make sure the enemy will not move from where he is attacking you. Allow the game to idle in that state.

Easy Conjuration experience

To do this, it is best to have the Bound Sword spell, because you are able to conjure two of these at the same time to gain experience faster. This works best when there is an enemy that is trying to fight you, but you are at an area that they cannot reach you (for example, fighting a troll or bear while you are too high for them to actually hit you). Use the Bound Sword spell, put the sword(s) away, then repeat the process. Doing this will increase your conjuration levels very quickly.

This trick requires dragons roaming around and being far enough in the Dark Brotherhood to have Shadowmere. When you find where a dragon is located, Fast Travel there so Shadowmere can be with you. Start the battle with the dragon. Do not worry when the dragon goes after Shadowmere, as Shadowmere is invincible and will fight and eventually will kill the dragon for you. Use the Bound Swords spell as described above and it will have the same outcome.

Easy experience

Go to the village named "Riverwood" and find a house called "Alvor & Sigrid's House". Inside is a man named Hadvar. Rest until it is after 8 a.m. so that Alvor leaves the house. Sigrid and the young girl should remain downstairs and Hadvar will be upstairs. If he is not, just wait and he will come upstairs. Save the game before the next part in case something goes wrong. Equip your strongest sword or weapon that you want improved skill for, and sneak behind him until he cannot see you. Do a heavy strike and he will stumble to the floor. When he gets up will have no knowledge that you hit him. He also never dies, so it can be done indefinitely. Repeat the process to level up as much as desired. This will also maximize your Sneak skill, and whatever weapon type you are using.

Easy gold

When completing the quest to get married, marry a follower. Make them follow you and trade items. They should have 750 gold because of the store they run. Take the gold leave wait a day and rinse and repeat. As much gold as you need without having to sell anything!

Easy gold

At the beginning of the game, when you reach to the first town of Riverwood start chopping wood and find the man named Hod. He usually stands at the top of the sawmill during the day. He will pay you for "all the wood you can carry" as he puts it. However, there is no limit to how much you can make buy chopping wood and selling it to him. He never runs out of gold like the merchants. Chop and sell wood to him until you have as much gold as desired.

Easy Hands-Off Kills with Ebony Mail

After completing Boethiah's daedric quest, you are rewarded with the Ebony Mail artifact. In addition to being to move more silently, the armor gives you a constant 5 point poison damage effect for enemies that get too close.

While traversing any dungeon, or any areas with doors for that matter, instead of sneaking around and silently taking out opponents, get their attention and run into any room that has a door. In their pursuit of you, your opponent will give chase all the way up to the door, and will remain on the other side.

It might take a minute or so, but the 5 points of poison damage will wear your enemy down through the door and kill them. They might open the door once or twice themselves, but just shut it again and stand close to the door.



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