Ghostbusters The Video Game

Ghostbusters The Video Game

Ghostbusters The Video Game

Ghostbusters The Video Game


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Ghostbusters The Video Game (Xbox 360). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock

Bonus options

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding entry at the "Options" menu.

How to unlock

Easy "Nice Shootin', Tex!" achievement

Use the following trick to unlock this achievement without having going through Story mode a second time. A memory card and a hard drive is required. Have a completed saved game file on your hard drive. Start a new game on your memory card. Play past the training mission and save the game as soon as you get into the hotel mission. Then, quit the game. Load the saved game file from the hard drive and go to the final Boss. Go into the "Options" menu. Go to the "Game Play" setting and change the "Memory" setting to the memory card. Defeat the Boss and the achievement will be unlocked.

Fan fiction reference

Go upstairs at Ghostbusters headquarters. You can find a drawing by a child on pink paper hanging near some electrical equipment. The text "To Uncle Egon, from Ed." Appears on it. This is a reference to the fan fiction Ghostbusters videos "Freddy vs. Ghostbusters" and "The Return Of The Ghostbusters" which features Egon's nephew Ed Spengler.

Fountain locations

Fountain 1: At the firehouse. You only need to drink from this fountain once (even though you revisit the firehouse many times).

Fountain 2: At soon as you enter the Sedgewick Hotel, the soda machine room to your right.

Fountain 3: After the water drains from the hallway (at the Sedgewick) but before you reach the Sargassi Lounge, check the corner of the elevator lobby for the fountain.

Fountain 4: In the laundromat Zeddemore breaks into at Times Square. It'll be by the cursed artifact, pushing bone - in the back room - so to speak.

Fountain 5: After the cut-scene of Hoss and Stanz and the two office workers in the elevator at Times Square, you will be at the architectural office. The fountain is at the corner of the hall.

Fountain 6: Public Library. The hallway leading to the juvenile reading room will have this water fountain.

Fountain 7: After the Egyptian and Mummification exhibits at the Museum, Venkman will spring out to surprise Hoss and Zeddemore in a maintenance hallway. The fountain is there, right next to the Azatoth Head artifact.

Fountain 8: When revisiting the Sedgewick, you need to turn the power back on at the generator room. The fountain is in the generator room.


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