Liberation: Captive II

Liberation: Captive II

Liberation: Captive II

Liberation: Captive II is a Role-Playing game, published by Mindscape Inc., which was released in 1994.


Liberation: Captive II

Liberation: Captive II is a Role-Playing game, published by Mindscape Inc., which was released in 1994.

Mindscape Inc.
Role-Playing > General
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)



Cheat Codes/Hints

Discount Mode

First, find a hardware store, a place that sells viewcams, mappers, etc. Split off one of your droids and talk to the shopkeeper, making sure he is the the ''Buying Stuff'' part of a conversation. Switch back to your cluster of other droids and fire one shot at the one talking to the shopkeeper. Switch back to the speaker and end the conversation by clicking on the mouth, and then say ''Thanks, bye now!'' Regroup your droids and talk to the keeper again. All the expensive city mappers, viewcams, radar units, and anything else you plug into the droids, will now be reduced to 10% of their original price!

Duplicate Items

Stand in front of a power point. Select an item from a droid's back pack and place it on the floor, so the name of the item appears in the text window. Pick up the same object and return it to the droid's backpack. Engage the poser point so the lightning bolts are touching you. Use the "Look Right, Look Left" command to move the screen so that it is at an angle. Position the cursor to the bottom of the screen, hold the Right Mouse Button to change the cursor into a hand, and press the Left Mouse Button. An object should appear on the floor. Drop as many objects as needed. Switch back to the normal view. .When the power bolts, pick up the objects that were dropped, which are duplicates.

Level skip

Just before mission one, where you are about to rescue the prisoner, save your game. Rescue the prisoner and advance to mission two. Now instead of continuing, reload the game and save the prisoner again. You'll go to level three this time. Reload again, save the prisoner, and you'll go to level four, etc. This process can be repeated to get you to any level you want easily.



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