Arel Wars 2

Arel Wars 2

Arel Wars 2

The Ultimate Defense Game ReturnsThe three tribes of Union, Buster and Deven lived peacefully amongst one another until one day, from the Deven clan, rose Destroin- the evil twin brother of Adonis. Seeking to rule the world whilst bringing destruction and demise, Destroin leads his troops to the neighboring tribes. Amidst the chaos, the three tribes rise in to action and ready their troops for battle. Join the legions as they battle for the safety and security of their kingdoms in this non-stop defense game. Full of in-depth skill building and customization as well as deeply rewarding...


Arel Wars 2

The Ultimate Defense Game ReturnsThe three tribes of Union, Buster and Deven lived peacefully amongst one another until one day, from the Deven clan, rose Destroin- the evil twin brother of Adonis. Seeking to rule the world whilst bringing destruction and demise, Destroin leads his troops to the neighboring tribes. Amidst the chaos, the three tribes rise in to action and ready their troops for battle. Join the legions as they battle for the safety and security of their kingdoms in this non-stop defense game. Full of in-depth skill building and customization as well as deeply rewarding...

Role-Playing > General
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Speedy Start

I strongly suggest that if you can, try and get the daily rewards because a little bit of extra gold and gems won't hurt! Also, if you have a spare bit of cash, consider buying gems and/or gold to unlock slots etc. My personal preference is to not use items but if you feel the need to, than go right ahead. But be warned! Items are a single use only and you will have to keep buying them so use them wisely.


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