Spring Ninja

Spring Ninja

Spring Ninja

Spring Ninja


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Spring Ninja (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints


Getting a certain amount of points will allow you to get four different token types. At ten points you will earn get a bronze token. A silver token is given for twenty points. With thirty points, a gold token is awarded. Finally, forty points will give you a platinum token.


The more platforms passed over with a single jump, the more points you will score. Develop patterns that will make longer jumps easier than shorter ones. When you have a small platform nearby followed by a taller one, always select the taller platform. Always target the tallest platforms because they are easier to reach. The higher you can jump, the least you can calculate your trajectory when descending. Make sure you have the jump power to get to the higher platforms. If they are too far away, do not take the chance. You can obtain more points with each jump. Although moving from one platform to another is the safest method, taking risks will by jumping over multiple platforms will increase your points. To do this, hold the spring as much as possible before jumping. Some practice may be required. When trying to get more points per jump, also consider the different heights of the platforms. A stronger jump is needed to reach higher platforms, with a corresponding increase in risk.


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