Tribez And Castles, The

Tribez And Castles, The

Tribez And Castles, The

Tribez And Castles, The


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Tribez And Castles, The (Android). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy experience

Clear trees, stumps, grass, and bushes for easy experience. You might also gain items and food by doing so.


Log into Facebook or Twitter from the game to earn gems. Spend gems on permanent items, such as workers, instead of speeding up tasks.


If your crops or trees have red icons when ready to be harvested it indicates that your warehouse does not have the capacity to hold more food. Send your villagers to do some work and harvest your crops afterwards. Make sure to have a mix of crops that require a short time to harvest along with those that have a longer growth time.

House upgrades

Upgrade your house to gain more wish scrolls and experience. Make sure you collect the rewards from houses regularly to make sure they are kept in production.

Increasing influence

Place decorative items such as roads and flowerbeds to increase your kingdom's influence. Influence is required in order to expand into other territories.


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