Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain

Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain

Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain

Summer, 1940. The German war machine has humbled all of Europe - except Great Britain. Now, the mighty Luftwaffe plans to soften up Southern England for an invasion called Operation Sea Lion. And the RAF must wage a desperate defensive battle against a numerically superior foe. Graphically stunning, historically accurate, and thrillingly realistic, Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain resets the stage for the air confrontation of the century. Featuring multiple fighters and bombers to choose from, authentic combat action, unique replay camera, and lots of other special features.


Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain

Summer, 1940. The German war machine has humbled all of Europe - except Great Britain. Now, the mighty Luftwaffe plans to soften up Southern England for an invasion called Operation Sea Lion. And the RAF must wage a desperate defensive battle against a numerically superior foe. Graphically stunning, historically accurate, and thrillingly realistic, Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain resets the stage for the air confrontation of the century. Featuring multiple fighters and bombers to choose from, authentic combat action, unique replay camera, and lots of other special features.

Lucasfilm Games
Lucasfilm Games
Simulation > Flight > Combat
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