Mr. Cool

Mr. Cool

Mr. Cool

MR. COOL - He's so cool, he can make fireballs frosty. He's so quick he can evade hazardous hot springs by hopping across hot plates in a heater. He's Mr. Cool, and he's the hottest new player on the pyro-pyramid.HOT SPRINGS - They're hot. . .too hot! They resent this uppity ice cube, Mr. Cool, invading their private pyro-playground. When they catch up with him they plan on giving him a "warm" reception.FIREBALLS - Quick as a shot; they blaze on past. If one touches Mr. Cool he will melt (fast!). Hot shots from a fiery furnace, these guys are constantly cooking up new ways to cause trouble...


Mr. Cool

MR. COOL - He's so cool, he can make fireballs frosty. He's so quick he can evade hazardous hot springs by hopping across hot plates in a heater. He's Mr. Cool, and he's the hottest new player on the pyro-pyramid.HOT SPRINGS - They're hot. . .too hot! They resent this uppity ice cube, Mr. Cool, invading their private pyro-playground. When they catch up with him they plan on giving him a "warm" reception.FIREBALLS - Quick as a shot; they blaze on past. If one touches Mr. Cool he will melt (fast!). Hot shots from a fiery furnace, these guys are constantly cooking up new ways to cause trouble...

Sierra Entertainment
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Release Date (EU)


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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Mr. Cool (Commodore 64). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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