


Marbles are exclusively controlled by the stylus in this title that satisfies even the strongest puzzle addiction. Marbles are rolling relentlessly down a twisted track toward you. Stop them by launching launch new marbles with your stylus. When three or more like-colored marbles match up, they vanish. Tons of power-ups, multiple tracks and a great multiplayer mode make Magnetica a must for puzzle/action fans. Innovative use of stylus to flick marbles.Ultrarealistic magnetic physics: Launched marbles will curve toward like-colored balls. Three single-player modes: Challenge, Quest and Puzzle....



Marbles are exclusively controlled by the stylus in this title that satisfies even the strongest puzzle addiction. Marbles are rolling relentlessly down a twisted track toward you. Stop them by launching launch new marbles with your stylus. When three or more like-colored marbles match up, they vanish. Tons of power-ups, multiple tracks and a great multiplayer mode make Magnetica a must for puzzle/action fans. Innovative use of stylus to flick marbles.Ultrarealistic magnetic physics: Launched marbles will curve toward like-colored balls. Three single-player modes: Challenge, Quest and Puzzle....

Mitchell, Nintendo
Puzzle > General
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints


These are the silver spheres, but they are not marbles. In order to destroy them, you must break a chain next to one or in between two or more. If you break a chain in between two or more, only two are destroyed. These just add space to the set of marbles that are laready on the board, so you have to get rid of them fast. They appear in Quest mode and sometimes appear in several levels in the Puzzle mode as well.

Black Hole

The marble that goes into a Black Hole will be sucked up and disappear. During this time, you cannot launch any other marbles until the marble sent into the Black Hole is gone. It takes awhile; you must be patient. Do not go in these when you are seconds from losing. It only appears in Quest mode.

Challenge mode: Special difficulty

Beat game in Quest Mode or Checkmate Mode.

D-pad controls and additional versus levels

Get a gold metal in all 60 Quest levels to unlock the ability to play with a d-pad. Additional versus levels will also be unlocked.


In Normal Play in the Training, Normal, Hard, or Special, you should have enough time to count the red and blue dots. This is when you usually get the first detonator. Always destroy the one with the least dots. Also when there are the following colors: red, blue, yellow, light blue, and purple, it is typically good to destroy light blue. This works 80% of the time.


This is something that alters the gravity of the marble passing by it or directly over it and may slightly push it into a different direction. They may be frustrating when you are trying to launch a marble that will lead to a chain. It only appears in Quest mode.

Hard difficulty

How to Unlock
Hard difficulty for Challenge Mode
Beat Challenge Mode on Normal.

Hard mode

Hard mode has the spheres going in two different directions. This makes it a little bit easier in the beginning because you can get bigger chain. When marbles are being destroyed on one side, expand the chain by shooting a marble into the other side. It is easy to get a twelve or better chain this way. The strategy mainly for Hard mode in the beginning is just to group pairs of at least two red, at least two blue, at least two red, then destroy a set in the middle of this arrangement in each path.

Impact Barrier

An Impact Barrier is a moving object that destroys a marble that comes in contact with it. It disappears and is sent back in the direction it came from. It only appears in Quest mode.

Ion Cloud

Ion Clouds are little things that puff up and make it hard to see where the marbles are and where other marbles are going. To get rid of them, blow air into the microphone of the Nintendo DS. They only appear in Quest mode.



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