


Nervous Brickdown allows players to revisit old school roots with a twist to the classic breakout game. Revamped, restyled and stepping into the next generation of handheld gaming, Nervous Brickdown refreshes the player's skills in paddle and ball gameplay while introducing new gameplay elements across 135 levels, like controlling spaceships to blast away bricks or even drawing a custom paddle. Featuring 135 diverse levels spanning over 10 unique modes, Nervous Brickdown turns classic brick-breaking gameplay on its head by taking players into other retro gaming worlds such as intense space...



Nervous Brickdown allows players to revisit old school roots with a twist to the classic breakout game. Revamped, restyled and stepping into the next generation of handheld gaming, Nervous Brickdown refreshes the player's skills in paddle and ball gameplay while introducing new gameplay elements across 135 levels, like controlling spaceships to blast away bricks or even drawing a custom paddle. Featuring 135 diverse levels spanning over 10 unique modes, Nervous Brickdown turns classic brick-breaking gameplay on its head by taking players into other retro gaming worlds such as intense space...

Arkedo Studio, Eidos Interactive
Release Date (US)
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