My Hero: Doctor

My Hero: Doctor

My Hero: Doctor

In My Hero: Doctor, players take on the role of a doctor's apprentice as they manage 10 major medical emergencies by using the microphone and stylus as an all-in-one medical tool. Players will treat and cure patients by using real medical equipment to help scan for fractures, inject medication, and apply a defibrillator. By successfully maneuvering the ambulance around obstacles on their way to aiding the sick and saving lives, players unlock upgrades and earn awards as they progress in their medical career.


My Hero: Doctor

In My Hero: Doctor, players take on the role of a doctor's apprentice as they manage 10 major medical emergencies by using the microphone and stylus as an all-in-one medical tool. Players will treat and cure patients by using real medical equipment to help scan for fractures, inject medication, and apply a defibrillator. By successfully maneuvering the ambulance around obstacles on their way to aiding the sick and saving lives, players unlock upgrades and earn awards as they progress in their medical career.

Simulation > General
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating

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