My Virtual Tutor: Reading Pre-K to Kindergarten

My Virtual Tutor: Reading Pre-K to Kindergarten

My Virtual Tutor: Reading Pre-K to Kindergarten

With My Virtual Tutor your child will conquer early reading through individualized, adaptive learning exercises and interactive books - all while having fun!My Virtual Tutor: Pre K through Kindergarten includes 8 Interactive Books with 4 Different Play Modes to make learning to read Fun, Affordable and Portable! While holding the DS like a an actual book for realism and using the touch screen only, kids will learn to read using Mentor Interactive's propriety Foundations to Literacy software and virtual tutor. Each interactive book is fully adaptive to the readers' ability and covers the...


My Virtual Tutor: Reading Pre-K to Kindergarten

With My Virtual Tutor your child will conquer early reading through individualized, adaptive learning exercises and interactive books - all while having fun!My Virtual Tutor: Pre K through Kindergarten includes 8 Interactive Books with 4 Different Play Modes to make learning to read Fun, Affordable and Portable! While holding the DS like a an actual book for realism and using the touch screen only, kids will learn to read using Mentor Interactive's propriety Foundations to Literacy software and virtual tutor. Each interactive book is fully adaptive to the readers' ability and covers the...

1st Playable Productions, Mentor Interactive
1st Playable Productions
Miscellaneous > Edutainment
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