Nintendogs: Best Friends

Nintendogs: Best Friends

Nintendogs: Best Friends

Nintendogs: Best Friends

ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Avoid losing ranking

Before entering competitions, save the game. If you do badly, turn the game off before the competition ends to avoid ranking loss. Note: Whenever this is done, the leader's score will change.

Back flip

Teach your dog to sit and jump. While it is sitting, tell it to jump. Your dog should do a back flip.


Get 300 owner points to unlock the Balloon.

Beautiful dog coats

Give your dog a bath when the dog's information page for coat reads "Clean". This will also make the dog like you more.

Better Items

When you go for walks and your at the map. Go out of it and go back into walk. Keep doing this until you have the question mark boxes all close together.


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