Sims Bustin' Out, The

Sims Bustin' Out, The

Sims Bustin' Out, The

Sims Bustin' Out, The


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Sims Bustin' Out, The (Gameboy Advance). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Fast Cash

In level 4, after you return the ashes to the ghost, search in the underground tunnels for a black bubble in the small paths. Once you come apon it, it will take you somewher else underground. Once underground, go to the two blue chairs that the light is shinning on. Afer you put them BOTH in your pocket, go to a store and sell them. They go for $1,000 each.

Fishin' For Profit book

To get the Fishin' For Profit book go to Nikki Nack's store (open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). After you buy it, find O'Phil Mclean. Give it to him and he will give you a job. Note: You must get the goals from him first. To do this, talk to Salty. Later in the game, you will be offered by Nikki Nack to buy the Waterfront Villa for 3,000 Simoleons.

Free Furniture

On level four where you meet the ghost at the Haunted Shack you can get some free furniture. After you pick the lock and answer all of the ghost's riddles find the hidden cellar outside. There will be some items including a gazing ball when you take it to your house and take it out of your pocket. When you gaze into it your fun, room, and energy will rise.

Getting inside Earl's ghost's house

To get inside Earl's ghost's house, you will have to pick the lock ten to twenty times. Sometimes when you go into the sewer, the screen will move to a selected location. Go there and take the chairs. They sell for 1,000 Simoleons. Alternately, get your mechanical skill points to about four and pick the lock once to open it.

Ghost Quiz Answers

How many sides does a circle have? [2]
An apple, grape, banana, pear, which doesn't belong? [Banana]
How many letters are in "the alphabet"? [11]
"BCDEKIOX", which letter completes this pattern? [H]
If you fill me i can point. If not full I do not move. I have 2 skins, one out and one in. What am i? [Glove]


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