Conflict: Desert Storm

Conflict: Desert Storm

Conflict: Desert Storm

Conflict: Desert Storm

Gotham GamesNA / SCi
Pivotal Games
Release Date (US)
Memory Card
Media Size
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Conflict: Desert Storm (Gamecube). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cavalry Charge: Destroying ZSU's

Instead of shooting the ZSUs with an anti-tank launcher, shoot them with a sniper gun. They should blow-up. You can now "paint" the tanks so an air strike will blow them up.

Change Soldier color

You can change the color of your soldier from white to black or black to white by blowing him up with a grenade and finishing the level. Note: He will lose experience -- do this early.

Charge the Enemy

The game sends an infinite amount of troops after the alarm has been set. The best way to defend yourself is to charge ahead as fast, but also as safely, as possible. In some levels you can cut down the number of men by almost fifty. If you are low on ammunition, health, etc., this is a good way to cut down on the amount of men you have to deal with. It also works sometimes if you send a man far ahead and hold him there, then do your objectives for your mission.

Cheat Menu

When you are on the Main Menu screen, use the D-Pad and buttons X and Y to enter the following: Left, Left, Right, Right, Up, Up, Down, Down, X, X, Y, Y. When you enter this, go to the options menu and the Cheat Menu should be available. In the Cheat Menu, you can change the "Tropper Level", "Enemy AI", and the "Mission List".

Desert Watch: Go through mountain

This trick requires some practice. Go to the middle top of the hill. Look to the left. You will see a mountain that looks like you cannot. When you climb it, go to the hill and push up hard. When you get to the top of the edge, turn the Analog-stick Left (not too fast). When you do, go straight up and you will go through the mountain.


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