Hulk, The

Hulk, The

Hulk, The

Hulk, The


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Hulk, The (Gamecube). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Betrayal: Falling soldier

Grab a soldier and jump off the building where green arrows are pointing. As you land on another building, the man will disappear from your hands and you will hear him screaming.

Chemical Effects: Terminal

When the level starts, go all the way down the hallway to Bruce Banners left. You will find a large door. Go through that door and either sneak past or defeat the guards. There should be a door to the left of you. Go through that door. Once
through it, either defeat or sneak past the guards. Next, stand in the large circle with bars around it. Press Y at the screen inside of the circle with bars around it. This should take you to the fifth floor. Once there, you should see a large
computer down the stairs. Either defeat or sneak past those guards. Go to the right of that big computer. You should find a smaller gray computer. Go to it and press Y. A code terminal screen should appear. Enter the desired terminal code. Note: Per game, you can only open up the code terminal once. Use it wisely unless you want to repeat the entire process.

Code Input Screen

Enter these cheats at the code input screen in the Options menu:

Double Health for Enemies - BRNGITN
Double Health for Hulk - HLTHDSE
Half Enemies' HP - MMMYHLP
High Score reset - NMBTHIH
Invincibility - GMMSKIN
Level Select - TRUBLVR
Regenerator - FLSHWND
Unlimited Continues - GRNCHTR

Code Terminal

Enter these cheats at a code terminal in the game:

Play as Gray Hulk - JANITOR
Unlock Desert Battle art - FIFTEEN
Unlock Hulk Movie FMV art - NANOMED
Unlock Hulk Transformed art - SANFRAN
Unlock Hulk vs. Hulk Dogs art - PITBULL

Defeating soldiers with their shields up

When you are in rage mode and encounter soldiers in their shields, do Hulk's Earthquake attack. Their shields will fall and you can take them out.


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