Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants, The

Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants, The

Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants, The

Hello, fellow humans! Barthlomew J. Simpson here, with a very important secret: SPACE MUTANTS ARE INVADING SPRINGFIELD! That's right, man! A buncha slimy, horrible, totally gross and putrid monsters are taking over the bodies of the people who live here and they wanna build a weapon that's gonna take over the entire planet! Anyway, yours truly is the only one who can see 'em 'cause of my X-ray glasses - so it's up to me to stop 'em! I've gotta spraypaint things, get radical on my skateboard, use my trusty slingshot, and in general behave like a nuisance, man. Plus, with evil dudes like Nelson...


Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants, The

Hello, fellow humans! Barthlomew J. Simpson here, with a very important secret: SPACE MUTANTS ARE INVADING SPRINGFIELD! That's right, man! A buncha slimy, horrible, totally gross and putrid monsters are taking over the bodies of the people who live here and they wanna build a weapon that's gonna take over the entire planet! Anyway, yours truly is the only one who can see 'em 'cause of my X-ray glasses - so it's up to me to stop 'em! I've gotta spraypaint things, get radical on my skateboard, use my trusty slingshot, and in general behave like a nuisance, man. Plus, with evil dudes like Nelson...

Imagineering Inc, Flying Edge
Imagineering Inc
Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Unlimited Lives

When the TV screen appears during the game's intro sequence, press the following code:

1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1
Unlimited Lives


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