Elliot Quest

Elliot Quest

Elliot Quest

8-bit retro adventure game inspired by Zelda 2 and Megaman. Discover the endless secrets on Urele Island!Elliot can't diebut he's still running out of time. In Elliot Quest, the victim of a rare curse must find a cure before he's transformed into a demon.After Elliot's wife disappears, he falls sick and attempts to take his own life--only to discovers that he can't die. Plagued by nightmares and growing weaker by the day, Elliot seeks out a local Sage, who tells him that he's the victim of a rare curse. A demon called a Satar is slowly consuming Elliot's vitality. If Elliot can't find a cure...


Elliot Quest

8-bit retro adventure game inspired by Zelda 2 and Megaman. Discover the endless secrets on Urele Island!Elliot can't diebut he's still running out of time. In Elliot Quest, the victim of a rare curse must find a cure before he's transformed into a demon.After Elliot's wife disappears, he falls sick and attempts to take his own life--only to discovers that he can't die. Plagued by nightmares and growing weaker by the day, Elliot seeks out a local Sage, who tells him that he's the victim of a rare curse. A demon called a Satar is slowly consuming Elliot's vitality. If Elliot can't find a cure...

Ansimuz Games
Ansimuz Games
Adventure > General
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