GoldenEye 007

GoldenEye 007

GoldenEye 007

GoldenEye 007

Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

007 Mode

To access 007 Mode, complete all missions on 00 Agent Mode.

007 mode

Complete every level, including Aztec and Egypt, under the "00 Agent" difficulty setting. The 007 game setting may now be accessible. Options such as enemy health, enemy damage, enemy accuracy, and enemy intelligence be adjusted. Complete the entire game under the "Secret Agent" difficulty setting. Then, go to the Cradle level and complete it under the "Secret Agent" difficulty setting. This will unlock the Aztec level. Complete that level under the "Secret Agent" difficulty setting. When completed, all levels will be now be unlocked under the "00 Agent" difficulty setting. There is no need to complete the first level under "00 Agent" and then complete all the other levels on that setting -- they will be already accessed.

2x AR33 in Caverns

When you go to the Water Caverns, go to the Com area where the radio is to contact Jack Wade. As soon as you enter the room kill all the guys in the room. Go to the right hand corner where there are strips of glass in the wall. blow all the crates in that corner and in one you should see a smaller box come out. Blow all the boxexs in that crate and you should see two computers come out. Blow them and you will find two AR33s. Pick them up and you will have double Assault Rifles.

2X Grenade Launcher cheat

Press R + Down, R + Up, Right, L + R + C-Down, L + Right, R + Left, Left, Down, Up, then hold R + C-Down at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

2X Hunting Knives cheat

Press R + C-Down, L + Right, R + C-Left, R + Right, L + R +Right, L + R + Up, L + Down, R + Left, L + Right, then hold L + C-Left at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

2X Lasers cheat

Press L + Right, L + R + C-Left, L + Down, R + Left, R + Down, L + Right, C-Up, Right, R + Right, then hold L + R + Up at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

2X RCP-90s cheat

Press Up, Right, L + Left, R + Down, L + Up, L + C-Left, L + Left, C-Right, C-Up, then hold L + R + Down at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

2X Rocket Launcher cheat

Press R + Right, L + Up, Down, Down, R + C-Down, L + Left, L + C-Left, R + Up, R + Down, then hold R + C-Left at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

2X Throwing Knives cheat

Press R + C-Left, L + Left, Up, L + R + Right, Right, L + R + C-Left, L + R + C-Left, R + Down, R + Left, then hold R + C-Left at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

All guns

Press L + R + Down, L + C-Left, L + C-Right, L + R + C-Left, L + Down, L + C-Down, R + C-Left, L + R + C-Right, R + Up, L + C-Left during game play.

All Guns cheat

Press Down, Left, C-Up, Right, L +Down, L +Left, L +Up, C-Left, Left, then hold C-Down at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

Alternate cheat code entry

There is another way to enter cheats, instead of at the cheat menu. You can enter any cheat(except for the "Bonus Characters" code) at the mission selection screen. This is most useful when starting a new game, as you do not have to earn a cheat through mission completion to get a cheat menu. Instead, enter the code at the mission selection screen and listen for the confirmation sound. Then, press B and you will have a cheat menu and the cheat you activated. From there, you can enter cheats normally from the cheat menu.

Beat Aztec quick and easy

To complete Aztec, you normally need to beat Jaws, get the key card he drops, and head back across the level so that you can get into the locked room. To open this locked door without beating Jaws, simply stand at the glass door and shoot it to attract attention. When you see the door next to you start to open, run and hide behind one of the shelfs in the room. One of the guards should go to where you were standing, and open the door to go looking for you. Charge at him and get into the locked door before it closes.

Bond invisible cheat

Press L + R + C-Left, L + R + C-Down, L + C-Left, R + C-Left, R + Right, L + R + Left, L + Right, Left, L + R + C-Left, then hold L + Down at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

Bonus Aztec level

Complete the Antenna Cradle level under the "00 Agent" or "Secret Agent" difficulty setting.

Bonus characters

Enter the multi-player mode character selection and display the last available character (Mishkin or Moonraker Elite). Next, press the following controller combinations. Hold L + R and press C-Left. Hold L and press C-Up. Hold L + R and press Left. Hold L and press Right. Hold R and press Down. Hold L + R and press C-Left. Hold L and press C-Up. Hold L + R and press Right. Hold L + R and press C-Down. Hold L and press Down. An additional thirty-one characters will now be selectable.

Bonus multiplayer areas

Complete the second Severyna bunker, the Military Archives, and Water Caverns levels under the Agent difficulty setting. These areas will be available for multiplayer mode.

Bonus multiplayer characters

Bond villains Mayday, Oddjob, Jaws, and Baron Samedi will be selectable for deathmatch mode after the game is completed under the Agent difficulty setting. Note: They are not available in single player mode.

Bonus weapons

Complete each of the following levels to obtain the corresponding weapon.

Antenna Cradle, Janus Base
Aztec Complex (as 00 Agent)
Golden Gun
Egyptian Temple

Cheat Menu Codes

Enter at the cheat menu, exit then return for the cheat to appear:
2x RCP90s
Up, Right, L + Left, R + Down, L + Up, L + C-Left, L + Left, C-Right, C-Up, then hold L + R + Down
All Weapons
Down, Left, Up C, Right, L + Down, L + Left, L + Up, Left C, Left, Hold Down C
Gold PP7
L+R+Right, L+R+Down, L+Up, L+R+Down, C-Up, R+Up, L+R+Right, L+Left, Down, L+C-Down
Infinite Ammo
L +Left C, L + R + Right, Right C, Left C, R + Left, L + Down C, L + R + Left, L + R + Down C, L + Up, Hold Right C
R+Left, L+Down, Left, Up, Down, R+C-Left, L+C-Left, L+R+Left, L+R+Right, L+C-Left
Paintball Mode
L + Up, Up C, R + Right, L + R + Left C, L + Up, R + Down C, L + Down C, L + R + Down C, L + R + Up, Hold L + Down C
Silver PP7
L+Left, L+R+Up, L+Right, L+R+Up, L+R+C-Left, L+R+Left, L+R+Down, C-Down, L+R+Right, L+R+Left
Slow Animation
L+R+Left, L+R+Left, L+R+Down, L+R+Left, C-Right, L+R+Down, L+R+Down, L+Down, C-Left, Hold C-Up
Tiny bond
L+R+Down, R+Down, L+C-Down, Left, R+C-Left, L+R+C-Down, Right, Down, R+C-Down, R+Right
Turbo Mode
L + Down, L + Down C, L + R + Up, R + Down C, Left, R + Down, L + Down C, Up, R + Down, Hold L + Right

Cheat mode (alternate)

Cheats may also be enabled after the corresponding mission is completed within the indicated time limit at the required difficulty level.

2x Grenade Launcher
Surface 1
Secret Agent
2x Throwing Knives
Bunker 2
2x Hunting Knives
2x Lasers
Aztec Complex
Secret Agent
Single Laser
Aztec Complex
Secret Agent
over 9:00
2x RCP-90s
Water Caverns
00 Agent
2x Rocket Launcher
Bunker 1
00 Agent
DK Mode
Big heads
Enemy Rockets
Opponents have rocket launchers
Fast Animation
Opponents move quickly
Statue Park
Secret Agent
Gold PP7
Some opponents killed with one shot
Antenna Cradle
Cougar Magnum
Antenna Cradle
over 2:15
Infinite Ammo
Control Center
Secret Agent
Unlimited damage
00 Agent
Bond is invisible to opponents
Military Archives
00 Agent
No Radar Multi
Secret Agent
Paintball mode
Bullets cause paint marks instead of holes.
Secret Agent
Silver PP7
Shoots through doors
00 Agent
Slow Animation
Opponents move slowly
Secret Agent
Tiny Bond
Bond is smaller
Surface 2
00 Agent
Turbo mode
Bond moves quickly
Launch Silo
All Guns
Egyptian Temple
00 Agent
Golden Gun
Egyptian Temple
00 Agent
over 6:00
Note: The game may not continue in the Control Center level if some cheats are active. Natalya will not continue what she is doing.

Copying cheats to another folder

Highlight a cheat from a folder, then hold A and keep that button pressed until instructed otherwise. Press B(2) to return to the folder selection screen. Then, press Z to select another folder. Enter the cheat menu, highlight any code, then press Z. Press B and release A. Select any level to begin game play with the cheat from the first folder.

Cougar Magnum gun

Complete the game under the "Agent" difficulty setting.

Cycle back through weapons

Press A + Z to cycle back through your weapons.

DK Mode cheat

Press L + R + Up, C-Right, R + Left, R + Up, Up, R + Right, Up, L + R + C-Down, L + R + Down, then hold L + R + C-Left at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

Double mixed weapons

Obtain two sets of paired weapons that appear next to each other in your weapon list and some ammunition for each gun. (For example, in the Military Archives level, obtain two Dostoveis and two Klobbs). Cycle through the weapons until two of the second set of weapons are ready. Next, Quickly press the following set of buttons. Hold A button, then before the weapons cycle forward, press Z(2). Release A, then press A once Press Z to fire two or three times while the weapons are cycling. If done correctly, firing the weapon will lock one of the weapons during the cycle, allowing a mixed set.
Alternatively, obtained two pairs of different weapons. On the first pair, fire a shot from the gun on the left. Then, press B, release B, press A, release A, then hold Z. Note: The buttons must be pressed quickly and one at a time.
Get two of the same guns out. Then, only shoot the left gun once. Press B, A, then hold Z. The two guns will lock. Your timing must be precise.


Hold L or R and press C-Down to "duck" (similar to "Tiny Bond") and become a smaller target for enemy fire.

Egyptian level

Complete the game under the "00 Agent" difficulty level.

Enemy rockets cheat

Press L + R + C-Down, C-Left, R + C-Down, C-Down, C-Down, L + R + C-Down, L + R + Up, C-Down, R + Up, then hold L + Up at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

Entering codes safely

When you enter an ''in game codes'' such as "Line mode", it is better to enter the code where you start at or a place that nobody will see you. Note: You can also enter the codes at the pause screen -- the buttons will cycle through the menu screens, but the code will still work. After the code has been entered correctly, a message will appear on the lower left part of the screen.
Note: If you unlock and activate any cheats, make sure you have completed the game. If you unlock then activate a cheat, you will be unable to go to the next level.

Fast animation cheat

Press L + C-Down, L + C-Left, C-Down, C-Right, C-Left, L + R +Right, C-Right, L + R +Up, R +C-Left, then hold L + Left at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

Fire weapon in ending cutscene

Before you complete a mission, set your control style to either 2.3 (Domino) or 2.4 (Goodhead), and equip the weapon you want to fire. If Bond is holding a weapon in the ending cutscene, you can fire the weapon and kill the people surrounding you by pressing Z on the 2nd controller.

Flying Bond

First enable the Tiny Bond cheat. Go to a staircase and Crouch as far down as you can and walk off, and Voila, Bond can fly! Try it at the Frigate!

Gold PP7 cheat

Press L + R + Right, L + R + Down, L + Up, L + R + Down, C-Up, R + Up, L + R + Right, L + Left, Down, then hold L + C-Down at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

GoldenEye007 Recommended 007 mode settings

Use the following settings in 007 mode, as completing them will increase your skill at the game. The first four columns are abbreviations for the settings such as enemy health, damage, accuracy and reaction time. The others are abbreviations for the levels. For example, D = Dam, F = Facility, R = Runway, etc.

How to mix and match guns, EASILY

To mix and match guns easily do the following:
1. Put the all weapons cheat on and "x2" cheat on
2.go to a double weapon (where you have two of the same weapon) A as to go to the next weapon, but instead of following through just before it gets to the next weapon press Z so it goes back to the last weapon. While it is switching between guns release Z and then press Z.
4.The effect this should have is the effect of one gun in one hand and a different gun in another hand.

In-Game Cheats - The Old Fashioned Way

To all the people who don't want to use the button codes, here is the old way to get them.
How to Unlock
2x Hunting Knives
Beat the Jungle on Agent in less than 3:45 min
2x Lasers
Beat the Aztec on Secret Agent in less than 9:00 min
2x RC-P90s
Beat the Caverns on 00 Agent in less than 9:30 min
2x Rocket Launcher
Beat the Bunker on 00 Agent in less than 4:00 min
2x Throwing Knives
Beat the Bunker 2 on Agent in less than 1:30 min
All Guns
Beat the Egyptian Temple on 00 Agent in less than 6:00 min
DK Mode
Beat the Runway on Agent in less than 5:00 min
Enemy Rockets
Beat the Streets on Agent in less than 1:45 min
Fast Animation
Beat the Statue on Secret Agent in less than 3:15 min
Gold PP7
Beat the Cradle on Agent in less than 2:15 min
Golden Gun
Beat the Egyptian level
Grenade Launcher
Beat the Surface on Secret Agent in less than 3:30 min
Infinite Ammo
Beat the Control on Secret Agent in less than 10:00 min
Beat the Facility on 00 Agent in less than 2:05 min
Beat the Archives on 00 Agent in less than 1:20 min
Beat the Aztec level
Beat the Cradle level
No Radar (Multi)
Beat the Frigate on Secret Agent in less than 4:30 min
Paintball Mode
Beat the Dam on Secret Agent in less than 2:40 min
Silver PP7
Beat the Train on 00 Agent in less than 5:25 min
Slow Animation
Beat the Depot on Secret Agent in less than 1:40 min
Tiny Bond
Beat the Surface 2 on 00 Agent in less than 4:15 min
Turbo Mode
Beat the Silo on Agent in less than 3:00 min

Infinite ammo cheat

Press L + C-Left, L + R + Right, C-Right, C-Left, R + Left, L + C-Down, L + R +Left, L + R +C-Down, L + Up, then hold C-Right at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

Invincibility cheat

Press R + Left, L + Down, Left, Up, Down, R + C-Left, L + C-Left, L + R + Left, L + R + Right, L + C-Left at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.
Alternately, press L + Down, R + C-Right, R + C-Up, L + Right, L + C-Down, R + C-Up, L + Right, R + Down, L + Left, L + R + C-Right during game play.


Press R + C-Left, L + R + C-Up, L + R + Left, L + R + Up, R + Up, L + C-Left, R + C-Up, L + C-Down, L + R + Left, R + Right during game play.

Invisibility in multi-player mode

Press L + C-Up, L + R + C-Left, R + Up, L + C-Right, R + C-Left, L + Right, L + R + C-Left, L + C-Right, L + Up, L + R + C-Down during game play.

Jump back up into ceiling in Facility

In order to get back into the beginning vent in the ceiling in the Facility level:
1. Stand on top of toilet in the stall directly under the hole in the ceiling.
2. Hold R and Right C
3. Hold Left on the control stick.
This should make you spin around counter clockwise on top of the toilet. After about one or two turns, you will suddenly launch into the vent. Make sure you quickly hit down on the control stick so that you back up into the vent and don't fall down again. This is useful in Multiplayer Mode.

Line mode

Press R + C-Down, L + R + Down, L + Right, R + C-Up, L + R + C-Right, R + Up, L + Down, L + Right, R + C-Left, R + C-Up during game play.

Magnum cheat

Press R + C-Down, R + Left, L + Right, L + R + C-Right, L + Down, L + R + C-Up, L + Left, L + R + C-Up, L + R + Right, L + C-Left at the mission selection screen after completing the Cradle level under the Agent difficulty setting.

Maximum ammunition

Press L + R + C-Right, R + Up, R + Down, R + Down, L + R + C-Right, L + R + Left, R + Down, R + Up, L + R + C-Right, R + Left during game play.

Mission Selection Codes

Enter the following at the mission selection screen:
Unlock Aztec Level
Complete Cradle on Agent or use the unlock Cradle Level Code first then press Press L + R + Up, L + R + C Right, L + Down, R + Right, R + Up, L + Down
Unlock Bunker Level
L + Down C, R + Right, L + Right C, R + Left C, L + Down C, L + R + Left, L + Right C, L + R + Up, R + Right C, L + Up(Hold)
Unlock Caverns Level
L + Down, R + C-Down, L + R + Up, L + Right, R + C-Up, R + C-Left, R + Up, L + C-Left, L + Up, R + C-Left
Unlock Control Center Level
L + C-Down, R + Down, L + Right, R + C-Right, R + C-Down, R + Left, R + Left, R + C-Up, R + Left, L + R + C-Up
Unlock Cradle Level
L + R + C-Up, L + Left, R + Down, L + Down, L + C-Up, L + Down, R + Right, R + C-Up, L + C-Left, R + Right
Unlock Depot Level
L + Down, L + Down, R + C-Down, L + C-Right, L + R + Right, R + C-Left, L + Down, L + C-Left, L + C-Right, L + Up
Unlock Facility Level
L+R+C-Up, R+C-Left, L+Left, R+C-Up, L+Left, R+C-Down, L+C-Right, R+Right, L+R+C-Up, L+Right
Unlock Frigate Level
R+C-Up, L+Down, R+C-Right, L+Left, L+R+Up, L+R+C-Down, R+C-Right, R+Up, L+R+C-Down, R+Up
Unlock Jungle Level
R + C-Down, R + Left, L + R + Up, R + Right, R + Down, R + Down, R + Up, R + C-Left, R + C-Up, L + R + Left
Unlock Runway Level
L+R+Left, R+Left, L+C-Up, L+Left, R+C-Up, R+C-Down, R+C-Right, R+Right, L+Down, R+C-Left
Unlock Silo Level
L+Up, R+C-Down, L+Left, R+Down, L+C-Left, L+R+C-Right, L+C-Up, R+Right, R+Right, R+C-Right
Unlock Statue Level
L + R + C-Down, L + R + C-Down, L + Right, L + R + Left, R + Left, R + C-Right, L + R + Left, R + C-Up, R + C-Down, R + Right
Unlock Streets Level
L + R + C-Left, L + C-Right, L + Up, L + R + C-Down, R + C-Right, R + C-Down, R + Left, R + C-Down, R + C-Up, L + Down
Unlock Surface II Level
L+C-Down, L+R+C-Right, R+C-Right, R+C-Up, R+C-Left, L+Right, L+R+C-Up, L+C-Up, L+R+Down, L+C-Right
Unlock Surface Level
R+C-Left, L+R+C-Up, L+Left, R+Up, R+Left, L+Up, R+C-Down, L+Right, L+C-Right, L+R+Down
Unlock Train Level
R + Left, R + C-Down, R + C-Right, L + R + Left, L + Right, R + C-Down, L + Left, L + R + C-Left, L + Up, L + C-Up

Multiplayer Cheats

Go to the Multiplayer option and then to the Characters option. Now input the code carefully:
L+R+C-Left, L+C-Up, L+R+Left, L+Right, R+Down, L+R+C-Left, L+C-Up, L+R+Right, L+R+C-Down, L+Down
Invisible (enter during gameplay)
L+C-Up, L+R+C-Left, R+Up, L+C-Right, R+C-Left, L+Right, L+R+C-Left, L+C-Right, L+Up, L+R+C-Down
No radar
R+Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, L+Down, R+Up, C-Left, Right, R+Left, R+Right

No multi-player radar cheat

Press R + Up, C-Down, C-Left, C-Up, L + Down, R + Up, C-Left, Right, R + Left, then hold R + Right at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

Paintball cheat

Press L + Up, C-Up, R + Right, L + R + C-Left, L + Up, R + C-Down, L + C-Down, L + R + C-Down, L + R + Up, L + C-Down at the cheat menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked option.

Peek around corners

Hold L or R and press C-Left or C-Right to look around corners. You will be susceptible to gunfire from enemies.



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