Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

Los Santos: a sprawling sun-soaked metropolis full of self-help gurus, starlets and fading celebrities, once the envy of the Western world, now struggling to stay afloat in an era of economic uncertainty and cheap reality TV.Amidst the turmoil, three very different criminals plot their own chances of survival and success: Franklin, a street hustler looking for real opportunities and serious money; Michael, a professional ex-con whose retirement is a lot less rosy than he hoped it would be; and Trevor, a violent maniac driven by the chance of a cheap high and the next big score. Running out of...


Grand Theft Auto V

Los Santos: a sprawling sun-soaked metropolis full of self-help gurus, starlets and fading celebrities, once the envy of the Western world, now struggling to stay afloat in an era of economic uncertainty and cheap reality TV.Amidst the turmoil, three very different criminals plot their own chances of survival and success: Franklin, a street hustler looking for real opportunities and serious money; Michael, a professional ex-con whose retirement is a lot less rosy than he hoped it would be; and Trevor, a violent maniac driven by the chance of a cheap high and the next big score. Running out of...

Rockstar North, Rockstar Games
Rockstar North
Action Adventure > Open-World
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

"Predator" mission: See Bigfoot

During the mission you end up in a helicopter chasing two targets through the Cassidy Creek forest. You will have a rifle equipped with a thermal scope. Aim down and to the right and search for a larger than human thermal signature, which will almost immediately disappear. You can turn off the scope to get a blurrier real view of it.

"The Last One" mission

Get a 100% game completion to unlock "The Last One" mission for Franklin at the indicated location at Mt. Chiliad.

Note: The hunter in this mission is a reference to the hunter in the "Birth of the Conservation Movement" mission in Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare in which he John Marston kill the last Bigfoot.


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock

Alien in ice

During the introduction mission in North Yankton, while driving from the police instead of following the destination marker, drive to the right of the bridge down to the frozen river. Exit your vehicle and look down to see a frozen alien in the ice.

Alternate costumes

Complete the final mission in the main storyline to unlock mission-specific costumes for all three characters, which include the black outfits from stealth missions, the guard uniforms from the final mission, and the police uniforms. To unlock all shirts, get a 100% game completion.

Ammu-Nation discount

Complete all gun range challenges to get a 10% discount at Ammu-Nation stores. Get a "Gold" rank in all gun range challenges to increase that discount to 25%.

Big rolling ball

You can find a juice stand with a large orange ball sign on its roof at the highest point of one of the roads in Grand Senora Desert. Climb on top of the roof and punch or kick the ball off its base to send it rolling down the hill.

Black cellphone theme

Dial 1-999-396-3767 on your cellphone to cause a high altitude explosion and turn the phone's theme black. This can only be done in single player mode.

Bonus haircuts

Go to the Herr Kutz Barber page on Rockstar's Lifeinvader site at and sign in with your Social Club username and password. Click the "Stalk" button to unlock new haircuts for Michael, Franklin, and Trevor.

Cell Phone Cheat Codes

In Single Player only, pull up your phone, from there select your contacts, then press X. bringing up the dial pad and enter the code you want.

1-999-4684-2637 (HOTHANDS)
Explosive Melle attacks
1-999-444-439 (HIGHEX)
Explosive rounds for all weapons
1-999-462-363-4279 (INCENDIARY)
Flaming Bullets
1-999-759-3483 (SKY-DIVE)
Give Parachute
1-999-356-2837 (FLOATER)
Moon Gravity
1-999-769-3787 (POWER-UP)
Recharge Ability
1-999-759-3255 (SKY-FALL)
1-999-7569-66 (SLOW-MO)
Slow Down Gameplay
1-999-756-966 (SLOW-MO)
Slow Motion (enter 3 times for more effect)
1-999-332-3393 (DEAD-EYE)
Slow Motion Aiming (enter 3 times for more effect)
1-999-289-9633 (BUZZ-OFF)
Spawn Buzzard Attack Chopper
1-999-266-38 (COMET)
Spawn Comet
1-999-846-39663 (VINEWOOD)
Spawn Limo
1-999-762-538 (ROCKET)
Spawn PCJ-600 Motorcycle
1-999-727-4348 (RAPID-GT)
Spawn Rapid GT
1-999-633-7623 (OFF-ROAD)
Spawn Sanchez Dirt Bike
1-999-872-433 (TRASHED)
Spawn Trashmaster

Cheat Codes

Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling a code will prevent achievements from being earned. Also, vehicles may fail to spawn if you are in an area that is too small for them.


Dead Island reference

You can find billboards advertising "Rehab Island", that feature a logo very similar to that from Dead Island.

Easy money

To get an easy $5,000, watch for armored cars to appear. They are marked by blue dots on the map. You can get the money easily by killing the guard before he enters the armored car. If you have to open the armored car to get the money, drive into water to pop open the rear doors.

Take note of the rivalries between large corporations. Lester will give you information about which companies are rivals. Destroying the assets of a corporation will cause their rival's stock to rise. Use this to your advantage by first investing in the rival's stock. For example, destroying planes belonging to AirEmu at the Los Santos Airport will cause stocks in FlyUS to rise. The same can be done with oil derricks belonging to RonOil or LTDOil. When a mission objective includes destroying a corporation's asset or reputation, make sure you first invest in their competitor.

After getting two playable characters, go to Paleto Bay and swim into the ocean. Dive at the indicated location and collect the $12,000 from the crashed airplane. Switch characters, then switch back to your original character. This will respawn the underwater money, as well as restore your oxygen. Collect the money again and repeat the process.

Take a sub to the indicated location on the seafloor. You will find a structure that resembles the sub, only much larger. Upon closer inspection you can find an RPG on the seafloor next to it, and a briefcase containing $25,000 dollars laying on top next to the open hatch.

Flipping people off

Hold LB when inside any vehicle while not holding a weapon to flip people off with your middle finger.

Getting Trevor a shaved head haircut

Go to the Bob Mulét hair salon in Rockford Hills and choose the "Clean Razor" option. This is the only barber shop that allows all of his hair to be removed.


When you visit the top of Mt. Gordo between 11:00 pm and midnight, you can see the ghostly form of a woman.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas references

The familiar cul-de-sac of Grove Street also has a presence in Los Santos. It is located not too far from Franklin's house and features graffiti in the green of CJ's old gang. However, a different gang occupies this version of the street.

Look in Franklin's bedroom to find a Mad Dog poster and an album by OG Loc on the floor.

During the "Hood Safari" mission, Franklin, Lamar, and Trevor will enter the Grove Street area to make a drug deal. The house that they go to belongs to CJ's brother, Sweet Johnson.

When playing the "Hood Safari" mission, as you are driving down to Grove Street you will see three men riding bikes down that street. This is a reference to the first mission of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City references

Go to the Chinese theatre just west of where Michael can buy the Doppler Cinema in Downtown Vinewood. One of the sidewalk stars directly in front of there portrays the name Candy Suxxx, who was the adult film actress prominent in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

The main property management mission Michael must complete upon buying the Doppler Cinema includes taking a plane and dropping flyers from above to advertise the theatre. This was also a mission Tommy Vercetti had to accomplish in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

Hippy Jesus

Talk to "Jesse", a pedestrian standing near a lamppost on the Del Perro beach boardwalk. His dialog makes it clear that he is a stoned version of Jesus.

HVY Dump Industrial truck

The largest road vehicle, the HVY Dump Industrial can be stolen from the Davis Quartz quarry.


You can find a minigun on the top floor of one of the buildings in Fort Zancudo at North Chumash.

Molotov cocktails

Go under the bridge at this location in North Chumash to find a cache of five Molotov cocktails.

Phone codes

Take out your phone and dial the following numbers to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling a code will prevent achievements from being earned. Also, vehicles may fail to spawn if you are in an area that is too small for them.


Play as an animal

Find one of the twenty seven collectible peyote plants to transform into seagulls, dogs, chickens, crows, hawks, and other animals during a hallucination. Each animal has a unique action, such as seagulls leaving droppings and dogs biting.

Play as Bigfoot

Using this hidden golden peyote will transform you into Bigfoot. The following conditions must first be met. The game must already be completed. The system date must be any Tuesday. Set the system time to between 5:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. The weather must be foggy (snowy on the PlayStation4 and Xbox One); use the cheat code if needed. All 27 other peyote must already have been collected. You must have spared Bigfoot during "The Last One" mission. Go to coordinates -1472.531, 4439.456, 18.862 to find the peyote.



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