Daily Cryptogram 2011

Daily Cryptogram 2011

Daily Cryptogram 2011

Aurora Software Presents:DailyCryptogram 2010=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Now for both Outlook and Palm Desktop users!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=All work and no play makes Jack?s brain cells fade away....Everyone needs a break now and then. Taking a break from the stresses of work canrejuvenate the brain, allowing you to more efficiently move onto the next taskthat your boss tosses your way. Periodic breaks can actually make you a more productiveemployee.With the Daily Cryptogram you can put your computer and/orPDA to work for your brain cells instead of against them. Once loaded, it will...


Daily Cryptogram 2011

Aurora Software Presents:DailyCryptogram 2010=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Now for both Outlook and Palm Desktop users!=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=All work and no play makes Jack?s brain cells fade away....Everyone needs a break now and then. Taking a break from the stresses of work canrejuvenate the brain, allowing you to more efficiently move onto the next taskthat your boss tosses your way. Periodic breaks can actually make you a more productiveemployee.With the Daily Cryptogram you can put your computer and/orPDA to work for your brain cells instead of against them. Once loaded, it will...

Aurora Software
Aurora Software
Puzzle > General
Release Date (US)

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