


Earth, 2019: A colossal asteroid crashes down to Earth. The North Korean Government quickly seals off the island chain, claiming the mysteries of the asteroid for themselves. The United States responds by dispatching an elite team of Delta Force Operators to recon the situation and report back to the Pentagon. Amid rising tensions between the US and North Koreans, the asteroid suddenly bursts open, revealing a massive, 2km high alien ship. The ship generates an immense force sphere, freezing a vast portion of the island and drastically altering the global weather system. The invasion of Earth...



Earth, 2019: A colossal asteroid crashes down to Earth. The North Korean Government quickly seals off the island chain, claiming the mysteries of the asteroid for themselves. The United States responds by dispatching an elite team of Delta Force Operators to recon the situation and report back to the Pentagon. Amid rising tensions between the US and North Koreans, the asteroid suddenly bursts open, revealing a massive, 2km high alien ship. The ship generates an immense force sphere, freezing a vast portion of the island and drastically altering the global weather system. The invasion of Earth...

Crytek, EA Games
Action > Shooter > First-Person > Arcade
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

"Recovery" level: Hidden weapons

In level 2 "Recovery", under the Delta difficulty setting there is a rocket launcher at the roadblock where there is a truck full of KPA. There is also a rocket launcher and a Precision rifle leaning near the back wall outside of the house at the radar station. There are at least two rocket launchers at a small white building adjacent to the town hall (KPA HQ). There is a rocket launcher at the gas station cash register. Along with the rocket launchers in the school, those two tanks are easy to destroy. There is also enough Precision rifle ammunition at the second floor pillbox of the KPA HQ to max out your capacity.

Cheat mode

  • The following procedures involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "diff_easy.cfg", "diff_normal.cfg", or "diff_hard.cfg" file in the "\crysis\game\config\" directory to enable cheat mode and the console window under the Easy, Normal, or Hard difficulty settings. Add the line "con_restricted = 0" to the file then press ~ during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
  • Alternately, use a text editor to edit the "diff_easy.cfg", "diff_normal.cfg", or "diff_hard.cfg" file in the "\crysis\game\config\" directory to change game play under the Easy, Normal, or Hard difficulty settings. Insert the following lines to get God mode and unlimited ammunition. This may also be done in the demo version of the game.
Console code or line in .cfg file
God mode
g_godMode = 1
Unlimited ammunition
i_unlimitedammo = 1
Spawn indicated item
No energy loss
g_suitCloakEnergyDrainAdjuster = 0
No energy cost
g_suitRecoilEnergyCost = 0
Run faster
g_suitSpeedMult = 2.85
More armor points
g_suitArmorHealthValue = 900.0
Instant health regen
g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTime = 0
Instant health regen while moving
g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTimeMoving = 0
Set health regen time to 0
g_playerSuitHealthRegenTime = 0
Set regen time while walking to 0
g_playerSuitHealthRegenTimeMoving = 0
No waiting until regen starts
g_playerSuitHealthRegenDelay = 0
Instant energy
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmor = 0
Instant energy while moving
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmorMoving = 0
Set energy regen time to 0
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTime = 0
Do not wait until energy regen starts
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeDelay = 0
Extra health
g_playerHealthValue = 900.0
Set difficulty, "1" is easy, "4" is most difficult
g_difficultyLevel = 1
AI ignores player
ai_IgnorePlayer = 1
No weapon limit
i_noweaponlimit = 1
Speed suit never runs out of energy
g_suitSpeedEnergyConsumption = 1
Unlimited nightvision
hud_nightVisionConsumption = 0
Faster nightvision recharge
hud_nightVisionRecharge = 999
Rate at which time passes; "1" is default
time_scale =
Toggle melee attacks while sprinting
g_meleeWhileSprinting =
Fall speed in meters/second that causes death; "13.7" is default
pl_fallDamage_SpeedFatal =
Maximum speed in meters/second at which you take no damage; "8" is default
pl_fallDamage_SpeedSafe =
Set swim speed; "4" is default
pl_swimBaseSpeed =
Set speed at which you jump out of water; "1" is default
pl_swimJumpSpeedBaseMul =
Walking movement speed; "1" is default
g_walkmultiplier =
Toggle vehicle invincibility
v_goliathmode =
Multiplies punch strength by this factor; "1" is default
cl_strengthscale =
Koreans speak in Korean
ai_UseAlternativeReadability = 0
Toggle frame rate display
r_displayinfo =


Head to the difficulty files in your Crysis folder (for example: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Crytek\Crysis\Game\Config). The four files you're looking for are titled diff_easy.cfg, diff_normal.cfg, diff_hard.cfg and diff_bauer.cfg. Open the file (using Notepad) of the difficulty level you are currently playing or wish to edit. Add the following line to the end of the file and save it:

God Mode - g_godMode = 1
No Target - ai_IgnorePlayer = 1
No Weapon Limit - i_noweaponlimit = 1
Unlimited Ammo - i_unlimitedammo = 1

You can also modify your suit stats. For example:

g_playerHealthValue = 400.0
g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTime = 0
g_playerSuitArmorModeHealthRegenTimeMoving = 0
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeDelay = 0
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmor = 0
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTimeArmorMoving = 0
g_playerSuitEnergyRechargeTime = 0
g_playerSuitHealthRegenDelay = 0
g_playerSuitHealthRegenTime = 0
g_playerSuitHealthRegenTimeMoving = 0
g_suitArmorHealthValue = 400.0
g_suitCloakEnergyDrainAdjuster = 0
g_suitRecoilEnergyCost = 0
g_suitSpeedEnergyConsumption = 0
g_suitSpeedMult = 2

After making all of your edits, save the file, load up a new game and see what you've edited!

Defeating Alien Troopers

Use the following trick to kill Alien Troopers without shooting. When the Alien Troopers jump in the air and levitate shortly doing nothing, they are about to charge at you, which may kill you in one hit. When they do this, get out of the way. When they charge and miss, there will be a moment where they are idle. Run up to them, grab, and throw them. This may be slightly difficult at certain angles. The moment you throw them they will die (under the Easy difficulty setting at least).

Developer mode

Start the game with the -DEVMODE command line parameter. Then, press one of the following keys during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Toggle first and third person view
Jump to next checkpoint
Toggle fly and ghost modes
Toggle God mode
Jump to previous checkpoint
Get missile launcher, shotgun, alien MOAC
[Keypad 1]
Unlimited ammunition
[Keypad 2]
Debug menu
[Keypad Enter]


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