Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 is a Simulation game, developed and published by Microsoft Game Studios, which was released in 1999.


Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 is a Simulation game, developed and published by Microsoft Game Studios, which was released in 1999.

Microsoft Game Studios
Microsoft Game Studios
Simulation > Flight > Civilian
1-8 Players
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy climb

Hold [F4] while flying then press Y. Release both keys and your aircraft should be climbing without putting the nose up.

Fly Without Wings!

In file select lessons. Select the private pilot checkride lesson and do as instructed. When you have turned to face north (bearing 0.92) keep flying for a couple of minutes until you are over open water, hold the nose down and crash. After you have crashed you will be told that you have failed the lesson and a window will appear to notify you. Click OK and the select lesson window will appear. Instead of restarting the lesson you should click the X in the bottom corner to return to the flight. The plane will now be spinning out of controll, plumeting to hit the water and disappearing. It will repeat this over and over again!

Open main exit

While flying press [Shift] + E.


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