Ohimesama wa Panteraeo

Ohimesama wa Panteraeo

Ohimesama wa Panteraeo

Mamoru is a university undergrad who, being a hikikomori, doesn’t go to school unless absolutely necessary. One day in May, he was lectured by a prof due to his lousy attendance. He went to the roof for a breath of fresh air and while he was sitting on the bench and looking at the sky… a hole opened up in the sky! Out comes a lion princess, followed soon after by her brother and sister.


Ohimesama wa Panteraeo

Mamoru is a university undergrad who, being a hikikomori, doesn’t go to school unless absolutely necessary. One day in May, he was lectured by a prof due to his lousy attendance. He went to the roof for a breath of fresh air and while he was sitting on the bench and looking at the sky… a hole opened up in the sky! Out comes a lion princess, followed soon after by her brother and sister.


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We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Ohimesama wa Panteraeo (PC). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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