Suiei Choukyoushi

Suiei Choukyoushi

Suiei Choukyoushi

I am a swimming instructor. Actually, I just enjoy watching girls in swimsuit every day. There are two girls, Mizuki and Ryouka, who take part in my swimming lesson. You know Ryouka is Mizuki's mother. I am in love with Mizuki, but it seems she hates me. Ok, I will get you somehow. I just starts spying on Ryouka...


Suiei Choukyoushi

I am a swimming instructor. Actually, I just enjoy watching girls in swimsuit every day. There are two girls, Mizuki and Ryouka, who take part in my swimming lesson. You know Ryouka is Mizuki's mother. I am in love with Mizuki, but it seems she hates me. Ok, I will get you somehow. I just starts spying on Ryouka...


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