Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Sly and his crew are back and ready to pull off another series of big heists. Word is out that Interpol has excavated the robotic remains of Clockwerk--Sly's nemesis and sworn enemy of the Cooper clan--and it's up to you to prevent it from being reassembled. To do this, you must once again enter the thieving world of pickpocketing, vent crawls, rooftop chases, and stealth attacks. Sly 2: Band of Thieves takes you on an adventure across numerous locations, including Paris, Prague, India, and the Canadian Wilderness.


Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Sly and his crew are back and ready to pull off another series of big heists. Word is out that Interpol has excavated the robotic remains of Clockwerk--Sly's nemesis and sworn enemy of the Cooper clan--and it's up to you to prevent it from being reassembled. To do this, you must once again enter the thieving world of pickpocketing, vent crawls, rooftop chases, and stealth attacks. Sly 2: Band of Thieves takes you on an adventure across numerous locations, including Paris, Prague, India, and the Canadian Wilderness.

Sucker Punch, SCEA
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Air Bash Attack

Sneak up on an enemy, then press Triangle three or four times. While they are still in the air, quickly jump and press Square while in the air. If done correctly, you should defeat your enemy.


On the D-pad press left, left, down, left, right.

Defeat Clock-La

When you are the gunner in Carmelita's helicopter start shooting Clock-La. She will shoot yellow homing missiles at you. Shoot them once to destroy them before they hit you. Clock-La will then shoot red homing missiles at you. Shoot them twice to destroy them. Clock-La will shoot some rings with electricity running through them. Shoot the electricity about three times but don't shoot them too much otherwise the electricity will come back. Clock-La will then take away Bentley and Murray. Jump from one obstacle to another until you reach Clock-La. While Clock-La looks at you start whacking her head. When Clock-La hits the ground get through the lasers with Murray and open Clock-La's beak. Then with Bentley drop two bombs either side of Clock-La's head.

Dimitri's Greasy Sweet Remix

To get to listen to the remix, in episode 1, go to the disco area where you did the "DISCO DEMOLITIONS" job. When you are inside, go to the area where you see the music equipment (drums, guitars, scratchboards, etc.). Now hit one of the scratchboards (what the D.J. uses). You should hear Dimitri say 'Show your bling and let me shine you.' GREASY SWEET!

Hidden FMV sequences

Defeat a Boss, then allow the game to idle until the bottom of the screen flashes. Press Square to view one of several hidden FMV sequences.



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