Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal

Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal

Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal

In Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Ratchet and Clank once again team up for an all-new adventure that combines diverse gameplay with elements of action, exploration, adventure, puzzle-solving, strategy, and role-playing into one experience. Together with the Q-Force, Ratchet and Clank set off to uncover the schemes of the sinister Dr. Nefarious and keep the galaxy safe for organic life. As one of three characters, you can now wield new weapons and gadgets, gain access to an array of vehicles, and master all-new abilities. The game also features both single-player and multiplayer (offline...


Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal

In Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Ratchet and Clank once again team up for an all-new adventure that combines diverse gameplay with elements of action, exploration, adventure, puzzle-solving, strategy, and role-playing into one experience. Together with the Q-Force, Ratchet and Clank set off to uncover the schemes of the sinister Dr. Nefarious and keep the galaxy safe for organic life. As one of three characters, you can now wield new weapons and gadgets, gain access to an array of vehicles, and master all-new abilities. The game also features both single-player and multiplayer (offline...

Idol Minds
Action > Platformer > 3D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

Bomberman type mini-game

At Star Phoenix’s comic room select chapter and press square. Enter YING_TZU and press start. This will enter the museum where the game is. Note: This doesn't work for the PAL version of this game.

Change the Weather

At Holostar Studios the second room that is raining (not the graveyard) there is a circular button to your right that will change it from raining to snowing.

Free Ammo

On the starship phoenix, do to any holographic training, when you enter the training, immediately leave it, your ammo will be full.

Free Ammo and Health

Go to any challenge like Annihilation Nation, start the challenge and quit and it refills your ammo and health.

Free weapons

Although you can buy any of these weapons during the game, you can get them free from Slim Cognito on Aquatos at certain times in the game if you have a Ratchet & Clank:Going Commando save file on your memory card. The weapons are, Miniturret Glove, Lava Gun, Shield Charger, Bouncer, and Plasma Coil.

Get a discount on weapons

If you have a save from Ratchet and Clank 1, you get a 10% discount on weapons when you buy them. Save must be past the 2nd hoverboard race.

Gravity/Charge Boots in New Game

Load any save where Ratchet has the boots you want to import, or play until you acquire them. Make sure the desired boots are equipped on Ratchet. Now, quit to the Main Menu and then start a New Game. Ratchet will start the game the boots you had equipped in the last save.

Inferno Mode / Rift Crossover in Arena Challenges

Once you finish an arena challenge at Annihilation Nation, if there is an Inferno Mode crate laying around, you can trigger it after you win the challenge, and you will still have the effect in the next challenge. The same thing happens with the Rift Inducer/Rift Ripper's votrexes; if you shoot some after the challenge is over (but before the screen goes black) they will still be there when the next challenge starts. This is a good way to do some damage without having to use any ammo, and doing this with an Inferno crate can make single-weapon challenges much easier; as long as you don't try to fire your weapon, you can do them entirely with the wrench. (This does not seem to work with the Suck Cannon/Vortex Cannon challenge; when I tried it, I got a "Out of enemies to use for ammo" message and lost in Round 2.)

Insomniac Museum

Go to Metropolis and follow the path over and into the first building, then hop up onto the left window sill and break the window, then hop across to the next building. Hop up onto the left side again and break this window, and there's a teleporter. Go to it at 3:00am-4:00am for the Insomniac Mueseum.

List of all skill points and how to get them

How to Unlock



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