Crash of the Titans

Crash of the Titans

Crash of the Titans

In Crash of the Titans, players fight a nefarious plot hatched by Crash's arch nemeses Neo and Nina Cortex to mutate the local creatures into titanic abominations. Using Crash's legendary mix of outrageous antics and daredevil bravado, players "hijack" enemies to take control of their action and use their fearsome powers against all manner of enemies. "Jack to Attack!" Control, play and battle as 15 enemies, including titanic creatures such as Scorporilla, Ratcicle, Magamadon and Shellephant. While in control of a monster players can throw toxic stink bombs, call lightning down from the sky,...


Crash of the Titans

In Crash of the Titans, players fight a nefarious plot hatched by Crash's arch nemeses Neo and Nina Cortex to mutate the local creatures into titanic abominations. Using Crash's legendary mix of outrageous antics and daredevil bravado, players "hijack" enemies to take control of their action and use their fearsome powers against all manner of enemies. "Jack to Attack!" Control, play and battle as 15 enemies, including titanic creatures such as Scorporilla, Ratcicle, Magamadon and Shellephant. While in control of a monster players can throw toxic stink bombs, call lightning down from the sky,...

SuperVillain Studios, Sierra Entertainment
SuperVillain Studios
Action > General
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheat mode

Press Start to pause game play. Then, hold R and press one of the following codes.


Note: Repeat the code to disable its effect.

Crash Cheats

Input the code while the game is paused. Input the code again to deactivate it, while paused. Note: Make sure to hold down "R1" when pressing "Resume Game".

Big Head Crash
While holding R1, press Square, Square, Triangle, and X
Shadow Crash (Invisible)
While holding R1, press Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, and X

Crash Skins

These are all the possible skins you can get for Crash. Wearing a type of skin allows you to knock-out the creature your skin is from, then jack him immediately. Ex: If you wear the Spike Skin, you can knock him out in one hit, then jack him.

How to unlock

Jacked easily

Wear a skin that matches the creature to be backed. A single hit will knock it out, allowing it to be jacked easily.


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