Creature Defense

Creature Defense

Creature Defense

Creature Defense will place gamers in a variety of stunningly illustrated worlds where they will be tasked with defending their land from invading attackers. After creating a deck where players take into consideration the types, tolerability and elements of the enemy, the onslaught begins and continues until adversaries are defeated, or the land falls. Special skills and attacks are added to the player's arsenal as the game goes along. With new levels and attributes to explore, as well as 50 types of Monster Cards drawn by well-known illustrators available for download, Creature Defense is...


Creature Defense

Creature Defense will place gamers in a variety of stunningly illustrated worlds where they will be tasked with defending their land from invading attackers. After creating a deck where players take into consideration the types, tolerability and elements of the enemy, the onslaught begins and continues until adversaries are defeated, or the land falls. Special skills and attacks are added to the player's arsenal as the game goes along. With new levels and attributes to explore, as well as 50 types of Monster Cards drawn by well-known illustrators available for download, Creature Defense is...

Hudson Soft, Hudson Entertainment
Hudson Soft
Strategy > Turn-Based > Card Battle
Release Date (US)
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Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

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Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheats, Codes, Hints

We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Creature Defense (Sony PSP). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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