Need for Speed: High Stakes

Need for Speed: High Stakes

Need for Speed: High Stakes

Need for Speed: High Stakes is a Racing game, developed by EA Canada and published by Electronic Arts, which was released in 1999.


Need for Speed: High Stakes

Need for Speed: High Stakes is a Racing game, developed by EA Canada and published by Electronic Arts, which was released in 1999.

EA Canada, Electronic Arts
EA Canada
Racing > Arcade > Automobile
1-2 Players
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints

8 Police Backups

This code is EXTREMLY hard to do and you must time it correctly. Also this code takes a while to get. Type your name as "allunit". Then, go to Hot Pursuit and play as EXPERT mode. Play Duel. Select the track "Dolphin Cove". Select the TITAN car if you typed in the code for it or won it. Once the loading screen appears, wait until the yellow line reaches around the middle. Then, quickly hold down select and press X, Triangle, O, Square, L1 twelve times, and R2 5 times. You must press those buttons in an easy pace. Once the race starts, drive your car all the way to the Dolphin Cove tunnel (2nd tunnel). You are NOT allowed to drive backwards or drive the other way or else the code won't work. Stop at the tunnel and wait for your opponent or a cop to pass by. Once they are near your area, try to ram your opponent or cop. Press and hold X and O exactly when your opponent or cop hits you. If its a cop, you will be fined. If its your opponent, he should be flipping in the air! If he's not doing flips, the code won't work, either. Once you did those, quit the race. Then go to One Player. Next, go to Hot pursuit, EXPERT, Solo. Next, select the track "Kindiak Park". Select the Lamborghini Cop if you earned the car. Once the loading screen appears, Press and hold all the buttons except the directional buttons. If you've done it right, call for backup. Once you call for backup, you will see 8 or 9 which is including you cop flashing dots on the map. Once you see all 8 of those cops, there are 4 Corvette cops and 4 Lamborghini cops. Those units are unit 20, 25, 45, 31, 217, 371, 353, and 316. Good luck and have fun with this code if you got it!

Access super police cars

To gain the extra Police Cars you will have to arrest all ten suspects within the amount of time given at every difficulty level to gain access to the higher performance Police Cars. To get the American/United States Super Police Cars like the Corvette C5 Pursuit car arrest all ten suspects on the Canadian, or USA tracks. A simple tip is to not enter a username by not doing so you will gain extra pursuit time.

Access to all cars

Currently I do not know of any controller button combos or usernames to unlock every single car in the game. You will simply have to get them the old fashioned way and that is win and unlock them on your own. I do have a tip for the harder races that specify no special car be driven. When a race states that the cars used is open chose the BMW M5 since it is a slower good handling car that is difficult to spin out and crash with, especially if you are on the very hard mirrored, backward, or night time tracks that you have never raced on before. Another good tip is if you are not in first place and find yourself on an unfamiliar version of a track you thought you already knew is to follow your opponents the first lap to learn where to slow down and turn at.

All Cars And Tracks

Go to user name and type in wicked, this will allow you to use any car, on any track, but only in Testdrive Mode, the cars include a helicopter, titan car and phantom.

All cop cars

To get all cop cars you have to arrest 10 cop cars for each new cop car you get.

Clone your Cars

You need to have a game saved on mem' card. Select the two player option. Select High Stakes. Press X. It should come up with a message and two options. Select the OVERWRITE option. Selct your track. It will come up with a message saying "Checking for Valid Memory Card in slot 1". Make sure you have your mem' card in slot 1. The it will have another message saying "Checking for valid Memory Card in slot 2". Quickly remove the mem' card in slot 1 and insert it in slot 2. Select your car(s). Put your mem' card in slot 1 to load the 1st car, Then switch it over again.

Make sure that the 2nd player Forfeits.
Make sure that your memory card is in slot 1 to receive your cloned car.

Cool cars,Helicopter,And more!!

For cool cars type in your name at the "USER NAME" in the "options" menu,
HOTROD unlocks hot rod bonus car
FLASH unlocks phantom bonus car
WHIRLY unlocks bonus helicopter
BIGOVEN all cops speak in english

Cop Cars

Beat Hot Pursuit mode to unlock the next car

How to Unlock
Helicopter (Only available in Test Drive Mode)
Beat with Police Diablo SV
Poilice Corvette
Beat with Police M5
Police Diablo SV
Beat with Police Corvette
Police M5
Beat with Carprice

Dashboard Enabler

You must first enter the Turbo Boost Enabler Code for this one to work, then quit the race to enter this code. (Many online game related cheat sites state that this code must be entered first, however I have tested the codes and have found that the Turbo Boost code actually must be entered first.) Select any race in any mode. Reenter the Turbo Boost Enabler Code (UP+X+TRIANGLE).

Drive the indy car

To drive the indy car, go to the USERNAME menu. Type in Fone. Go to Test Drive. Select the Phantom car and push start. Before the loading screen appears, hold down L1, R2, DOWN, Select, X, and triangle. You should see a nice, fast looking INDY car.



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